Chapter VII

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Brittany was in her office on her laptop looking for any good singing agents but she couldn't find any but then she remembered her friend was a Broadway star. She took out her phone quickly and texted Rachel if she can get a singing agent to listen to Santana's music. 

Rachel came in handy and texted her back, "I'll see what I can do" 

Brittany had a goofy grin on her face and didn't notice when Santana came in until she spoke, "why's that grin on your face" 

"What a girl can be happy today?" Brittany countered cutely. 

Santana laughed at the girl and walked over to her and sat on her lap. "What are you doing here so late" she asked the blonde. 

"I had some last minute paperwork to do," Brittany lied. Surprisingly the brunette believed her and Brittany sighed with relief but didn't make it to obvious. "So you ready to head home because a certain brunette with hazel eyes is waiting for you" Santana said. 

"Well I do like her better than her mother" Brittany smirked, she earned a small slap on her shoulder, "babe!" 

Brittany laughed amusingly, "come here" she pulled Santana in for a long passionate kiss. Once Brittany got everything she needed they closed up and headed home. 

When they got home, Quinn and Alize were asleep on the couch with the TV on. Santana walked as quietly as she can and turned off the TV and let them sleep. She took Brittany's hand and then went to her room. 

"Aren't you going to wake them up?" Brittany whispered. 

"No, Quinn is not going anywhere tomorrow and Alize doesn't have school, it's Saturday after all" Santana whispered back. 

"Why are we whispering?" Brittany pointed, Santana shrugged and plopped down on her bed as well as Brittany. 

The Next Morning 

Quinn was the first one to wake up, she felt weight on her and went she opened her eyes clearly she smiled at the small brunette cuddled up next to her. She quietly got off the couch and tucked in Alize more and walked over to Santana's bedroom and saw her cuddled up with Brittany. Quinn was really happy to see Santana happy. 

They've known each other ever since they were both 5 years old. Santana was like her sister and she would literally do anything for her in a heartbeat. They both have been through hell and back together. She thought back to the day when Santana told her that Puck had raped her and she was pregnant. Quinn had the urge to kill him when she saw him the next day in school; she was even more pissed when she 'dated' him. She never agreed to anything when it came to Puck controlling her especially when he told her to stop singing since she had a child to take care of. Quinn hates Puck more than anyone she's ever hated before even her own father who was a huge dick. 

Santana and Quinn were always there for each other no matter how much things got tough. They've never gotten into fight even if Quinn hated Puck. She don't think she can take it if Santana got mad at her, vice versa. 

Quinn made some chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs and coffee. She made her famous iced coffee as Santana would say. Just not a second later the blond and brunette made their way out of the room and walked into the kitchen. 

"Good morning" Quinn said with a big smile. 

"Morning" both Santana and Brittany said. 

Santana took her iced coffee first and took a big gulp and now she was technically fully awake. "Quinn you didn't have to make breakfast" Santana pointed out. 

Quinn spoke, "I know but when's the last time any of us had homemade breakfast" 

"You're right" Santana agreed. 

Brittany spoke with her mouth full of food, "this is really good" 

Santana and Quinn laughed at her, "didn't you know you shouldn't talk with your mouth full" Quinn said.

"Shut up" Brittany said balling up a tissue and throwing it at her. Santana was just trying her best not to laugh at the her blonde girlfriend.  

"Control your girl Lopez" Quinn said playfully. Santana's fork fell out of her hand as she choked on her food. "Damn women take it easy there" Quinn handed her some water. 

"You okay San?" Brittany asked with soft eyes. 

"Yeah Britt I'm okay don't worry" Santana replied with a smile. Brittany returned the smile and they both just stared into each others eyes. Quinn saw the interaction between her two friends and couldn't disturb them since they looked so adorable. She reached for her phone and went to the camera and took a quick picture of them. They both snapped out of it when Alize started tugging on her mother's sweats. 

"What's wrong sweetie" Santana asked as she lifted up her onto her lap. 

"I don't feel so good" Alize said weakly. Santana palmed her forehead and it was burning hot. "Baby you're burning" she said really worried, "can you hold her for a sec Britt" she handed the small brunette to the tall blonde. 

Santana went for the fever kit they have in the cabinet, when she sat Alize on the seat she was sitting in and gave the small brunette so medicine. 

"Okay sweetie, go to your room and just lie down okay, Mami will be right in to tuck you in" Santana said caressing her cheek; Alize nodded and went to her room. 

"San when's the last she's gotten a fever?" Quinn asked concerned.

"3 years ago" Santana replied with the same concern. Brittany eyes went wide on how Alize was really healthy and all of a sudden she has a fever. 

"Wait where were you when Puck was here?" Quinn then asked. 

"I was with Britt in the room, why?" Santana confused.

"Did he say about taking her anywhere?" Quinn said.

"Yeah he said he was taking her out, but didn't tell me where" Santana replied. Then Santana realized, it was Puck that got her sick. 

"That asshole!" all three girls in unison 

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