Chapter XX

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Santana and Brittany were having the time of their lives with the new studio. There would be times they barely even do anything and just make out or tease one another. 

Santana was in her room looking for her old songbook. She was getting really frustrated and couldn't function right at the moment. Quinn knocked on the door and heard Santana mumble "come in." When she walked in it was like a circus has passed in her room. 

"S? What are you doing?" Quinn asked.

"Looking for my songbook," Santana replied.

"Well, you sure it's in here?" Quinn questioned again. 

"It should be," Santana throwing more clothes.

Quinn could see the frustration in Santana's eyes and walked up to her and took her hands so they would stop fumbling. 

"Sweetie you're gonna go crazy if you don't take a break," Quinn said to her. "C' mere," Quinn brought her into a hug and Santana wrapped her arms around the hazel-eyed girl. 

"Thank you," Santana mumbled against the blonde's hair.

"You're welcome hun' and no matter what I'm here for you," Quinn assured her, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"AWW!" two sounds from the door was heard. The two girls wrapped around each other looked over and saw Alize and Brittany looking at them lovingly. 

"How long have you two been standing there?" Quinn quirked an eyebrow.

"Long enough," Alize grinned. 

They all had smiles on their faces. Quinn untangled herself from Santana and walked over to Alize and whispered something to her. Within seconds the small Latina was out the door. 

Brittany walked up to Santana, "I've got nothing to worry about right?" 

"What do you mean?"

"You and Quinn" Brittany clarified. 

"What... baby no, never. I promise you we're just best friends, she practically my sister" Santana wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck. 

"Yeah yeah, I don't even know why I was thinking that. I guess sometimes I get a bit insecure," Brittany timidly confessed. 

"I've only got eyes for you, babe," 

Santana smirked at her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, in which Brittany reciprocated. They pulled back a rested their foreheads together. 

"By the way, what's with the mess" Brittany now seeing the room's condition. 

"I was looking for my songbook," Santana explained. 

"You find it?" 

"No" Santana pouted. 

"Aww, well do have like storage of all your old stuff?" 

"I think we do," 

Santana and Brittany went out to the living room and saw Quinn and Alize making ice cream sundaes. 

"Ooouu I want one!" Santana exclaimed. 

Brittany snickered at her girlfriend's cuteness. 

"Here you go Mami and Mama" Alize handing them a bowl. 

"Damn this is good," Brittany said.

"I wish Auntie Rach was here," Alize said sadly.

Quinn's smile dropped, "me too sweetie." 

"Has she called you?" Brittany asked. 


"She'll come around" 

"Britt I really appreciate what you're doing, but I made a decision and I'm going to stick to it. She made her choice and I made mine" Quinn said. 

"Okay," she mumbled. 

"Sorry for ruining dinner last week by the way" Quinn apologized.

"No, it wasn't your fault. It was no one's fault okay" Santana said. 

"Mami's right, it just happened and no one knew it was going to," Alize agreed.

Quinn ruffled the little Latina hair, "when did you become so smart?" 

"Wasn't I always hehe" 

They all laughed at Alize's remark and went on with their day. 

On the other hand, Brittany called Rachel and see how she was doing and apparently she was just moping around the house and eating a bucket of ice cream while she watches her favorite musical Funny Girl

Brittany really hates seeing her friends sad but there was nothing she could do about it. They made a choice and they were sticking to it and part of Brittany wouldn't blame Quinn for what she did because no matter how dangerous of a career it is, you should always support them especially if you're madly in love with them. 

Brittany was brought back hearing Santana's voice, "B, you're thinking too loud, what's up?"

"Just thinking about this whole thing" 

"Yeah it's pretty hectic" 

"You got that right" Brittany agreed.

"I mean I know Quinn said it before but honestly I never thought she would actually do it, I mean she's really in love with the girl," Santana said.

"It's probably for the better"


"Mami, guess what?" Alize and Quinn coming into the living room.


"Auntie Q found your songbook!" Alize grinned. 

"OMG! Seriously?!" Santana got up. 

"Yeah, here you go," Quinn handing her the book. 

"Thank you, I love you so much" Santana tackled her into a hug. 

"Group hug!" Alize exclaimed. 

"Wait no!!" Once the other two girls went into the hug, they all fell to the ground wrapped around one another, they all burst into laughter. 

"I can't breathe!!" Quinn said. 

"Okay okay guys let Fabray breathe," Santana got up with the rest of them.

"You are one strong bunch," Quinn catching her breath.

"Of course we are," Alize said.

"Okay girls, what do you wanna do?" Quinn asked. 

Alize spoke quickly, "oooh I know, we should go to the movies!!!" 

They looked at each other for approval, "the queen has spoken" Santana said. 


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