Chapter VI

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It's been 2 weeks since Santana and Brittany became official girlfriends; they were both beyond happy especially Santana. She still couldn't believe she was with Brittany, she always had the hots for girls and that was also a reason her and Puck's relationship didn't work out. Santana always knew something was wrong but she never looked upon it until now. 

Brittany was in the studio thinking about how Santana just gave up on her dream of being a singer, she really wanted to help her. The girl was absolutely amazing at singing and that kind of talent can't go to waste like that, Brittany thought to herself. 

At the moment Brittany knew what she had to do; she was going to make Santana's dreams come true no matter how hard it'll be for her, Santana was worth it to her. Brittany was looking at Alize dancing and just being free and then she sees a beautiful brunette coming through the doors. 

Santana walked up to Brittany and gave her a quick peck on the lips in which Brittany returned. Once the exchanged a few words they headed home and they were both exhausted. 

"Alize sweetie can you come here for a minute?" Santana said. Alize came straight running out of her room, "yes Mami?" she scrunched her nose. 

"Did you call your father when you were with Uncle Finn?" Santana asked calmly. 

Alize had fear in her eyes, she gulped "yes" and looked down on the floor. 

Santana saw her daughter was a bit scared she lifted up her chin, "baby, I'm not mad at you okay, your father is here in New York and you'll see him later okay" Alize eyes lighted up and she threw her arms around her mother, "thank you Mami, you're the best" Santana smiled. 

Brittany was still there and she was in awe of her girlfriend's interaction with her daughter. She wonders if she'll be able to adopt Alize and maybe have her own kids with Santana. She thought it was crazy to be having these thoughts but she feels like she's known Santana her whole life. 

"I thought you were gonna be a little harsh" Brittany honestly said, Santana looked at her and smiled, "well I thought about it but it's her father and I can't deprive her of that" Brittany walked over to her girlfriend and placed a soft kiss on her lips. 

"Y'know you make like a badass but you're such a softy" Brittany bopped her nose. Santana was turning red now, "you're the first to see it other than Quinn" 

Brittany saw on how the brunette's face went from sweet to fear in her eyes. "San you okay?" she asked concerned. Santana shifted and nodded yes. She got up and went to her phone and called Puck for him to come over. Brittany was really confused onto why Santana was acting like that but she brushed it off; it was something she didn't want to share yet and she was not going to push Santana. 

For the rest of the evening was complete silence. Santana was cuddled up against Brittany and they were watching a movie with Alize. 

After the movie was done the doorbell rang and Alize yelled, "daddy's here" she jumped up and down. Santana walked up to the door and opened it. 

"Hi Santana, how are you?" Puck asked 

"I'm fine" Santana said with no emotions. Puck nodded and he made his way inside and went straight to Alize.

"Daddy" Alize went straight into his arms full force. 

Santana went into her room and let them bond, Brittany followed her and found Santana curled up in a ball and she was crying. Brittany went quickly by her side and comforted her. Only saying things like "it'll be okay."

After a few moments, Santana calmed down and turned to her girlfriend who had worry in her eyes. 

"You okay?" Brittany softly asks stroking the brunette's hair. 

"Seeing Puck brings back a lot and what he'd done to me" Santana said. 

"You mean cheat on you?" Brittany asked.

"No"  Santana quietly said enough to be heard. Brittany was now confused but then saw that look in Santana's eyes. "San did he?" she asked, and then she broke down right there. Brittany held Santana tight and told her she was never letting her go. 

"So you wanna tell me how or are you not ready" Brittany said trying not to push but Santana seems like she needs to let it out. 

"No I can tell you, it was the same night we had sex or something like that I guess. We were both drunk and Puck knew what he was doing. He uh forced himself on me that night and I couldn't do anything I just let him take me. When all that happened I got pregnant and I told him and we did the charade of being a couple" Santana shakily said. 

Brittany didn't realize tears were falling down her eyes until Santana wiped them away. "Who else knows?" she asked. 

"Only Quinn and now you" Santana replied. 

"You didn't deserve that, even if he was drunk but he was in his senses, I can't begin to think on how you lived with that" Brittany said.

Santana sighed, "trust me I don't know how either." 

Brittany asked, "what about your parents?" 

"Well they kicked me out I told them I was pregnant, and Quinn and her parents offered me a home and when I graduated, Quinn and I settled down here and never looked back" Santana explained. 

Brittany felt so sorry of Santana, "Is there anything else I need to know before I go beat Puck's ass" she said mad. 

"Babe no please don't" Santana held onto her tight. 

Brittany was starstruck on how Santana called her 'babe' she was smiling like an idiot. Santana looked up at the blonde since she didn't say anything. "Britt?" she scrunched her face. 

"You called me babe" Brittany said dreamily. 

Santana panicked, "was I not suppose to, was it to early, I'm sorry I didn't mean--" she got cut off by Brittany's lips on her. "You can call me 'babe' all you want babe" she said cutely. 

"You're such a dork" Santana laughed. 

"Yeah but I'm your dork" Brittany said. "You sure are" Santana cuddled into Brittany more and they fell asleep. 

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