Chapter XXVII

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Santana was leaving the studio she saw the black car she's been seeing everywhere she's been going. She has seen it so many times the past week that she memorized the license plate. She mentioned it to Ryan and asked him if he can help her since he's now working as an assistant down at the station. He hasn't been able to track the plate yet because of the paperwork and unnecessary training. 

Santana got into the G Wagon she got from Quinn for her as an engagement present to her and Brittany. She put the keys into the ignition and sped off as fast as she could. Santana looked into the rearview mirror and saw the car right behind her, she couldn't even see in the car because the front was tinted and so are the windows. Santana reached into her purse and quickly looked for Ryan's number. After the fifth ring, he answered, 

"Hey, San what's up," Ryan asked.

"H-hey di -did you um get the plate yet?" Santana asked nervously. 

"No, no not yet, why what's wrong??" Ryan asked worriedly. 

"The car is following me," Santana said. 

"Shit, uh okay is there a gas station near anywhere?" he then calmly asked. 

"Yeah, there's one like 10 minutes away," Santana replied. 

"Okay, go there and send me the address and I'll pick you up okay, I'm already on my way," Ryan stated. 

"Okay be careful," with Santana saying that she hung up the phone and sped up. Just in about 10 minutes, she got to the gas station and parked. She got out of the car and saw the car stop a few blocks before her. She walked into the station and asked for a bathroom, she got the key and went inside. 

A few seconds after she heard someone come in, she then hears the unmistakable voice she heard for years. Santana looked around and saw an exit, she ran out and sped up to go back into her car. She took a quick glance and saw that face she wished she would never see again. She started up back the car when she saw them coming back out rushing to the car. Once again she sped off and the car was still after her. 

Santana started to really panic and tried to grab her phone, but it fell between the seats, "fuck!" Santana couldn't believe this was happening to her, she tried to look for her phone but she couldn't get it. Santana looked at the rearview mirror and the car wasn't there and but looked in front of her and saw the car now coming towards her she hauled the breaks right away and hit her head on the steering wheel knocking her unconscious. 

1 hour later 

Santana was in and out of consciousness and heard someone calling her name, "San, Santana come on wake up. My sister is gonna kill me, please San wake up."

Santana opened her eyes and saw Ryan, she immediately hugged him and broke down into tears. 

"It's okay, you're okay" Ryan held her tight. "San, we need to go to the hospital and make sure you're alright." Santana nodded against Ryan and let him help her into his car. Once Santana was buckled up she curled up into a ball and stared out the window the whole time. Ryan kept on looking at her and decided to fill in his sister and Quinn. After a good 30 minutes, they got to the hospital and Ryan took her into the emergency room as quickly as possible. 

Brittany got to the hospital within 20 minutes and went straight to the front desk but then saw her brother and ran to him. The nurse at the front desk called for her but Ryan told her she's with him. 

"What happened?" Brittany asked quickly.

"A few weeks prior Santana found out someone was following her and she got the number of the plate so she asked me to check it out but I really couldn't because of all the training and paperwork the had me doing, she told me to keep it from you because she didn't want you to worry. When she left the studio today she saw the car and she sped off and called me and told her to wait at the gas station for me but I guess she didn't because I found her a few blocks away from it and uh" Ryan began to explain but don't know how to finish the last part. 

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