Emma Jones - Percabeth

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Emma POV

Hi! I'm Emma, I'm the most hottest girl in Goode high. I walk up to my next boyfriend, he's the hottest boy in school, he's the captain of the swim team and has windswept jet black hair and the most amazing sea green eyes. If you haven't figured out who I'm talking about then your the most oblivious idiot in the world.

"Hey Percy," I say in a girly tone twirling a piece of hair in my fingers.

"What do you want Emma," he said in a bored tone. Wait! That can't be right, maybe he's tired. 

"Well I was thinking at my place tonight when my parents aren't home," I smiled suductively. He looked me as if a rabbit jumped out of my head.

"Let me think, how 'bout no, I have a girlfriend," he stated, turning around heading to class.

"No need to play hard to get Perce, everyone knows you don't have a girlfriend!" I called.

"Fine don't believe me," he shrugged and continuing to walk to class.

*In class*

Mr Blofis walked in and sat his paper work on his desk. "Alright everyone, let's start with..." He started but got cut off by a knock on the door. He went to answer the door, once he opened the door, he smiled. "Ah you most be the the new student,"

"Yes sir," said by what sounded a girl from the hall. They walk in.

"Everyone this is Annabeth Chase," he started. He glanced at Percy so I looked over at Percy too and I saw he was smiling widely and the blonde bimbo that was standing in front of the classroom.

"Annabeth why don't you sit next to Percy," Mr Blofis said, turning around not even pointing at Percy. Percy didn't wave or anything, she just knew where to go.

"Hey Seaweed Brain," Blondey said smiling at  him. What did she just call him, I fumed from my seat. How dare she bully him!

"Hey Wise Girl," Percy jumped from his seat to give the girl a hug. What the actual hell is going on?

"Alright the reunion is over you two, I'm glad I'm not with you two in the holidays cause Grover has told me what some of your reunions are like," Mr Blofis stated smirking turning from the board. They both blush as Percy gives her a quick kiss on her cheek as they take their seats. What?!

After class finishes I strutted up to Percy smiling seductively. I was still wondering about that dumb blonde and how he knew her but that can wait for after I have Percy in my bed.

"Hey Percy, you want to hook up after school," I asked him, winking seductively. 

"Sorry I have plans with my girlfriend," He smiled dreamily.

"Oh yeah where is this so called girlfriend?" I asked smirking knowing I won and he'll fall at my feet, begging me to take him in.

"Talking to Mr Blofis" he smirked. I was shocked at his answer as I looked over and saw the new chick laughing at something Mr Blofis said.

That is how I meet percabeth...

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