Chapter 2

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"But Alex I don't want to" I complain

"We are going" he says

We got to the clinic he unlocks the car doors. I jumped out and walked away from the clinic.

"Jaxon!" Alex yells

I turn back and gave him a angry look.
"You can't force me there" I yell back at Alex

As I turned back around and walked away again.
I heard footsteps behind me they were my brothers he grabbed the back collar of my shirt.
I turned around to look at him.
His facial expression was mixed with sadness and anger.

I took a deep breath. "Fine let's get this over with" I mumbled

"Good to hear!" He says then he grabbed my wrist and we walked to the clinic.
We got inside the clinic and got to an exam room.
He let go of my hand.
"Can you please sit so we can get this show on the road" he says

I sighed and took a seat in the chair. He reclined the chair back so it was horizontal to the ground. He puts his gloves and a mask and grabs his mirror and explorer.

"Please open" he says

I looked up at him. He looked at me back and raised his eyebrow.

So not happening I thought

I quickly sat up in the chair with the mirror hitting me in the head. "Ouch" I said

I scoot off the chair ever so slowly. I hear my brother sigh and heard him set his tools down.

Alex POV

Why is he so stubborn? Good thing I have plenty of time with him.

"Jax come on it will be quick and easy" I say

Jax looks at me with anger mixed with worry in his eyes. I understand he was angry with me. But he has to have his teeth examined. But I don't wanna scare him so I will take my time.

"It will hurt I know it will I know you!" He manages to yell out.

Dang I never heard him say something like that.

"No it won't Jaxon Lee" I said started to get annoyed.

Jaxon rolled his eyes and got up and proceeded out the door.

"Jason!" I yell

My assistant came running to the exam room.

Jaxon POV

I bumped into an unfamiliar person

"Who..Who are you" I asked the man

"Well I am Jason your brothers assistant aren't you Jaxon I suppose?" He said

"I prefer Jax but when my brother is annoyed it something like that he will use my full name" I say

Then Alex came out of the exam room and saw us talking.

"Oh I see you met my brother" Alex says

"Yes I did" Jason Said

"Why don't you bring him back to the exam room so I can take a peek at Jaxons teeth" Alex said
I looked at my brother then back at Jason.

"You know I don't like my full name call me Jax" I say starting to get angry

I felt Jason grab my wrist and basically drag me to the exam room.
"No!" I yell

Once we got to the exam room Alex shut the door.

Tears of anger started welling up in my eyes
"Don't cry Jax everything will be fine" my brother said he said in a calmer tone.

Jason looked at Alex and they nodded.
Jason came up to me and picked me up. He set me on the chair.
"No!" I yell again but Alex strapped me up.

This is torture! This should be illegal! I hate my brother! I'll rather live with my mom who's an alcoholic

I was thrown out of my thoughts to the chair reclining back.
"Are you gonna open willingly" Alex asks
I nodded and opened
They both put on gloves and masks
Alex grabbed his explorer and mirror and slid them in my mouth and took a peek.

"You have some nice teeth Jax" Alex said I could tell he was smiling through his mask.

I nodded. "But they are crooked" he then said his facial expression said

"Maybe he needs braces soon" he said to Jason


I bit on my brothers finger he yelped in pain. He turned around removed his gloves and tended to his finger.
A few minutes later he applied fresh gloves and turned around to look at me.

"You owe me dinner bro" I chuckled

"Maybe you will get no dinner! Jaxon that was uncalled for" he scolded he was getting angrier

"I'm sorry I just don't want braces" I say as a tear slid down my cheek.

Alex's facial expression softened. "Oh god I'm sorry" he said. He unstrapped me and pulled me into a hug. I let tears fall.

Why does my brother have to be so mean sometimes. Where does he get his anger issue from. Our dad? Our mom? I don't know.

He set me back down a few moments later as I calmed down.
"It seems like your teeth are fine I'll just let Jason give you a cleaning and xrays then you'll be all set."

Alex left the room and left me and Jason in the room.
He applied fresh gloves
"Please Open bud" he says

I obeyed and let him clean my teeth and took my xrays. Then Alex popped in and checked my teeth one last final time.

Then they cleaned up and I waited for my brother to come. Him and Jason came out with their bags and Alex locked up and they went their separate ways to their own cars.

Me and Alex went home. Once we got home I sat on the couch. "I'll be back I gotta change I wanna talk to you" Alex said as he goes upstairs to change.

My Brother The dentist 2 Where stories live. Discover now