Chapter 11- fun

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I came face to face with my brother. "What are u doing back there silly?" He chuckled

I shot an angry glance. "Leave me alone"

"Come on.. it's too creepy down here" he said looking around

I slowly stumbled out of my hiding spot and headed upstairs.

Then when I got back upstairs then went upstairs to my room

Got a change of clothes then headed to the bathroom. I turned my speaker on and jammed out to some music while taking a shower.

I got finished then got changed into a t shirt and basketball shorts. I brushed and flosses my teeth then did my hair.

I headed back downstairs. Alex was siting at the table sipping coffee.

"Hey" I say

"Hey bud, can you tell me why your hiding in the basement" Alex questions

"Um... I just didn't want braces" I croak out

Alex looks directly at me. "Come on dr. Woods will put them on nice and quickly"

"I said no Alexander" I yell

He looks shocked. "Fine but don't expect anything special for you" Alex sneered and got up out his shoes on grabbed his keys and left the house.

I burst out in laughter. "Your so flipping stupid Alexander"

I walk upstairs after having a laughing attack then got on my computer and starting to start my homeschool

A few hours later I was done so I decided to play some Minecraft on my survival world.

I was mining then I hit lava then I died
"FUCK!" I scream and slam my fists on the desk

I lost all my stuff. "Ugh why" I mumble and slump in my chair.

When I heard the door downstairs open.
Great.. Alex is home

"Jax can you come downstairs?" Alex yelled

He seemed a bit calmer. By his voice.

Even though I wasn't in the mood to go downstairs. I ended up walking down there.

There stood Alex and Dr.woods what the hell?

"What is he doing here?" I sneer

"To talk to you" Dr. woods smiled

"Why? Is it because I don't want braces" I say backing up towards the stairs.

"Yea your brother told me" dr woods says

I peer at Alex and give him a angry glance.

"Get him out of my face" I growl

"Watch your language or you want to be grounded?" Alex snapped

"I'm not afraid of you" I sneer

Alex exchanges glances with Dr.woods when they were not looking i speeded up the stairs and went in my room and locked my door.

I heard yelling downstairs but I knew he could not get in here I thought.

I heard a angry knocking on my door "open the door!" Alex yelled

"Why are you so mean to me" I yell back at him

He stopped for a second. "I don't know just let me in"

"I'm old enough to make my own choices" I said as I unlocked the door and sat on my bed and crossed my arms.

Alex came in quietly he saw me sit on my bed.

"You can't force me to stuff I don't want" I said tearing up

"But I want what's best for you bud" Alex said sitting next to me and rubbing my back.

"No braces is what I want" I sniffle

Dr. Woods came in shortly and gave him a look.

"Get out" I say sharply

Dr. Woods left the room as quick as he came in. I sighed in relief.

"Well we can just bring this topic back another time" he says getting up and leaving my room.

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