Chapter 25- surgery

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I was hooked up to a few machines as I start to wake up. My whole body felt numb because of the iv in my arm bringing pain meds through it.
I groaned as I opened my eyes to see a worried Alex looking at me.
"Hey bud how are you feeling?.." he says quietly
"Okay" I say

"Well, that monster is in jail now" Alex says and strokes my hair

The doctor comes in. "Ahh Jaxon your awake how are you?" He says and rolls a stool next to me.

I shrug because I don't like to talk to strangers
"Well it seems like you broke your leg and you broke one of the biggest bones in your legs and you have to have surgery to fix it" the doctor explains

"No.." I start to cry. Alex pulls me in for a hug. "It's going to be okay bud.." Alex whispers into my ear.

"The anesthesiologist will be here in 15 min to prep you for surgery but first I have to check your vitals" the doctor says then grabs his stethoscope and checks my heart rate "take nice deep breaths.." the doctor says

I do what I was told and took deep breaths. "Your breathing is a bit shallow but you'll be fine for surgery, we will look into your breathing problem after" the doctor gets up from his stool.

"I will see you in the OR" he says then walks out of my room. I start to bawl my eyes out. "Oh Jaxon it will be okay.." he says

"I just want mom can you tell her what happened..." I mumble into Alex's chest.

"Of course bud" Alex says.

10 minutes later the anesthesiologist walks in them sits on the stool. "Hello Jaxon, are you doing okay are your ready?"she said

"Noo" I whine and look at her signaling I didn't want to do this

"I know you don't want to do this but you'll feel a lot better after" she smiles
She gets up and hooks a new bag to my iv.

"What's that?" I say and point towards the back.
"Something to help calm you down" she said calmly. A few minutes later I was feeling really drowsy and a team came in and rolled me away for surgery.

Once we got to the surgery suite I was moved to the table. I started shaking really bad. "I want Alex..." I cry

A sheet was placed in between so I didn't see what was going on with my leg. A cap was placed on my head one of those plastic things they put on your head during surgery.

A mask was placed on my nose. "Count back from 5.." she said

I fell asleep really quick. The procedure began

**after the procedure**

I start to wake up back in my room. I open my eyes and notice a cast on my leg. I groan in pain as I wake up. Alex sat on the chair next to my bed "hey.." he said calmly
"Hey" I say very drowsy
The doctor was also in the room. "The surgery went well, you'll be able to go home tomorrow" he said

I look out my window and notice it was dark outside. "Is it night time?" I ask

"Yea it's around 10 pm" the doctor chuckles and checks my vitals again.

I chuckle a bit. My throat was really dry. "Can I have some water or ice chips doctor?" I say

"Dr. Micheals it is. And of course you can ice chips or water or both?" He asks

"Can I have both" I say

Dr micheals walks out of the room and comes back a few minutes later with a cup of water which and a lid and a straw. And a small cup of ice chips and hands them to me. I place them on my little table that I had in front of me and it moved. I turned on the tv and watches some spongebob.

I laughed and almost choked on a ice chip. Dr.Micheals left the room.
I fell asleep watching spongebob. Alex notices and dimmed the lights, turned off the tv and tucked me in. But the leg was still on top of the covers.

I woke up a few hours later, I started coughing. Waking Alex up. I coughed a few times then fell  back asleep. At least tomorrow I get to go home...

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