Chapter 8- Stomach Bug! ( @Spotiscute9 Suggestion)

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1 Am

I woke up in a shock. My stomach hurt. I felt nauseous and dizzy.

I tried to fall back asleep but couldn't. But then that feeling came I need to vomit.

I ran to the bathroom in a hurry and then it happened "BLAAAA" in the toilet.

I felt more dizzy. I then noticed Alex in the doorway.

"H-ey" I choked

"Are u okay" he says while rubbing his eyes

"Noooo" I mumble as a tear came down my cheek.

"Are you going to make it to the last day tommorow" he asked quietly as he kneeled next to me and wiped my tears.

"No" I cry

"It's okay Jax" He said in a calming voice

I felt the urge to vomit again and turned my head to the toilet bowl and did it again. Alex stood up and rubbed my back.

Vomiting 4 times later I'm pretty sure I was done.
I camped out on the bathroom floor Alex brought a pillow and blanket I finally fell asleep

8:00 am.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Alex.

"Are u feeling any better" he said calmly he was dressed in his scrubs.

I shrugged. I still felt dizzy and a bit queasy nothing to bad.

"I don't want to leave you alone here so I'm taking you to the office and you can chill in my personal office or in a spare exam room" he said

"Ok-ay" as I slowly stood up and went to my room to get dressed I just wore a Minecraft T-shirt and basketball shorts. I went tot he bathroom and brushed my teeth I believed Alex watched me.
And headed downstairs where Alex gave me some medication and water I just slipped on my flip flops and he his sneakers. Alex grabbed his keys locked the house and we went to the car and we were off to the office but stopped at the school firsts

I kept dozing on and off in the car. I felt a tap on the shoulder.
"Hey bud wait in here I'm gonna clean out your locker real quick and other things" he said

I dozed off then woke up again when he came back to the car he threw the stuff in the backseat then we were finally off to the office.

We walked in his office he set me in his personal office.
"You can stay in here or do you wanna wait in a spare exam room?" He asked

"In here" I say

"Okay well I got a few patients" he says as he left the room and shut the door.

I get dozing on and off. I looked around his office. He had interesting stuff in there.

I got stopped when he came in the room.
"Yes?" I asked

" how are you feeling" he asked

"Eh" I say

Then he exited the room again
I dozed off again and awoke to the sound of screams crying for mercy.
And the drill... it sounded painful.Thank god  I have never had a cavity. Yet....

Then it stopped then I heard footsteps. Then the door was opened
" so this little girl is scared and want someone to hold her hand wanna hold her hand?" Alex asked

"Sure I guess" I said as I got up from the chair and followed him to the exam room.

I saw a little girl in the chair she looked around 3 or 4. I pulled up a stool next to the girl and held her had which I hope she appreciates. Alex reapplies gloves and lifts his mask

Then it came.. Alex holding the needle.

The girl starting crying. I wiped her tears. "Close your eyes it will be all over soon" Alex said reassuringly

The girl closed her eyes then Alex  injected the needle. I didn't bare to look I just held the girls hand and rubbed her hand in tiny little circles with the pad of my thumb.

The needle was finally done but came the sound of the drill. It sounded scary. Holy shit.

Me and Alex kept saying encouraging words to the girl

"It's ok"
"It'll be over soon"
"Your doing great"

Then the filling was all over the girl was released and she gave me a big hug which made me blush.

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