Ch 34- High as a kite

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I gulped.
"I seriously can't do it" I complain to Alex.
"I believe in you Jaxon" Alex said
"Your gonna yell at me and it brings back memories" I whine

Alex looks guilty.
"I'm sorry if I yell at you it's just upsets me when you don't tell me right away" he says

"I can't handle the drill!" I yell

"Come on once your numb you can't feel it seriously" Alex says

I roll my eyes and storm off upstairs and slam the door.


That was uncalled for!

I go upstairs and knock on his door.
"Please Jax I only want to help you" I say softly

"By hurting me" Jaxon said

I open his door. "I do not hurt you that was Shauns doing!"

"Fine but still I can't bare needles or the drill because they bring back to many memories!" Jaxon yells


All this was bringing back flashbacks

"Well I could use laughing gas and you won't know what's going on" Alex offers

"Ooh nitrous oxide?" I say

"Yea" Alex says

"That stuff that makes you feel high as a god damn kite" I chuckle

"Yea" Alex chuckles

I started thinking maybe anytime I go I could ask for it and I would barely feel it.

"Fine I'll go but no tricks" I state very seriously and point a finger at Alex

"I promise" Alex says then walks out of the room "we are leaving in 10 minutes"

I finish getting ready and I head downstairs.
I put on my vans on.
I meet Alex out in the car.

We go to the office and we walked to the exam room together. We didn't talk much. I was still really nervous.
I sat on his stool and span around making myself dizzy.
Alex comes in with his tray of tools it was covered by a bib so i didn't see what torture tools were under it.

He chuckles. "That's where I sit"
"I was waiting for you" I say not wanting to be here and I knew I wasn't getting out of this so I just have to deal with it and Alex is not Shaun and he is my big brother and he will never hurt me on purpose.

I get up and slide in the chair. He immediately placed a bib on me then he rolled behind me and washed his hands. His stool squeaked a bit which sent shivers down my spine.

He snapped on gloves and his mask and reclined the chair.
He put on his headlamp light glasses
"Alright bud it's time to open wide for me" he says

I sigh but opened my mouth. There was a little bit of plaque build up from a few pieces of sugar I ate earlier today.
He mumbles something under his breath. But I  couldn't make out what he said. He viciously scraped the plaque off my teeth but not that hard. Not as hard as Shaun did it.

I winced a bit.

"Sorry bud I'm just trying to get this nasty plaque off your teeth.." he says
I shrug. "Not so hard" I tried to say as my mouth was wide open

He then starts tapping each tooth luckily he didn't tap the bad one yet. Then he tapped it.

"Oh boy you have a cavity how much is it hurting" he says

"Not that bad" I say

"I have to take xrays hold on" he says and takes  and returns the chair to normal state lowered his mask and grabs the lead jacket thing and places it over me.
"Why do I need this" I say
"To protect you from radiation exposure" he says
"Oh" I say as he places the film inside my mouth then goes out and takes the picture because of the buzzing noise which the machine makes as he takes the picture of my teeth. He takes a few others then takes the lead jacket off and reclined the chair again.
He takes a look at the xrays on his computer behind me.
He mumbles stuff under his breath.
"Well.. it's a decent cavity I have to fix" Alex says
"Is it gonna hurt" I say
"No no no bud you'll be numbed up" Alex says
"Could I have laughing gas now" I say
"Yea" he said then the knob on my nose was put on and the glasses start flowing I felt a bit dizzy but it was a good feeling

He asked me to open my mouth which I did and didn't care then I felt the tingly of the numbing jelly then he asked me to close my eyes and the needle was injected it barely hurt thanks to the laughing gas and the numbing jelly.

Then he waited a few minutes then started filling the cavity. It just felt like my whole body was vibrating. He was also using suction to clear up the dust then he went back to the drill.

Soon he used the stuff to fill the tooth and he dried it with a special light. Then he polished it. Then the little knob was taken off my nose and my view became more normal and I started to feel less dizzy. Then the chair was returned to the normal state and the bib was taken off me. He took off his gloves and mask and he washed his hands and started cleaning up and put the used tools in the dirty tools bin to be cleaned and disinfected and put the needle in the sharps container.

"You feeling okay?" Alex asks

I nod but I was still a bit dizzy and lightheaded.
We left a little bit later and he even bought me a milkshake since I was so good getting a cavity filled today.

"So I know it been a while since I mentioned it have you thought about getting braces?" Alex asked

I stared at him I didn't want braces

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