Chapter 19- alex leaves

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The next morning Alex leaves, we say our goodbyes then he was off to go home.

I was sitting on the couch downstairs and mom walks in the room. "Are you okay?" She questioned

"I'm okay I guess I'm just gonna miss him" I say

"Even though he's a dentist" mom said

"Well that side of him annoys me but I love him" I state

"I know but we will always visit or he can" mom said

"But mom why did you take me out of his care?" I ask

"Because I wanted to see you again you and your brother moved away when you were young and I did not have much Time to spend with you" mom explains

"At least I get a break from the dentist" I joke

"You wanna know something?" Mom asks

"Well What is it?" I say

"I haven't seen the dentist in like 9 years " mom said

"Are you kidding?" I said in a surprised way

"Yea and don't you dare tell Alex!" She warns

"Why not your supposed to see one every 6 months" I say because some of Alex's knowledge was stuck in my head.

"There are reasons" she says now looking down

"What kind of reasons is something wrong mom?" I ask

"Well the last time I was at the dentist something horrible happened" she says

"Oh my god what happened!" I say now really worried

"I went to see the wrong dentist and I was raped  I had alcohol in my system and didn't know what was going on and I ended up pregnant" she says

A feeling of horror struck over me. "But if you were pregnant where is the baby?" I say

"I don't know " she said looking like she was gonna cry.

"Who in the hell would do that to you?" I said starting to get angry at that evil man.

"This doctor named Dr. Shaun Williams " she said

"Where is he now" I say as I wanted to beat up this man so bad.

"He is still in this town" she says

"What's the dentist office called" I say

"Um Dr. Shaun Williams  D.D.S general dentistry" she said

I get up from the couch. "We should call the police"

"I have no evidence Wait yes I do... he messed up my teeth" mom said like a lightbulb struck in her head.

"How would the police believe he did that to you?" I ask

"Your gonna go undercover at his office" she said

"Wha- no I don't want my teeth messed up! My brother will be so furious!" I say

"Just undercover for just a checkup I swear" she states

"What if I don't want too?" I say kind of getting pissy

"You'll have too because I already made you an appointment for tomorrow" she said now not making direct eye contact with me.

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