Chapter 18- living with mom

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That was quite some news I heard today, I never expected mom to take custody of me again. As long as she stays sober I'm good.

We were all downstairs watching a movie I was currently snuggle in moms arms. Alex has his arm around me. I loved my family, nobody can take me away from them.

I was eating popcorn with extra butter. Alex continues rolling his eyes whenever I have a piece.

"Stop judging me" I laugh almost choking on a piece of popcorn but I caught it in time so I would not choke on that specific piece of popcorn.

We watched a few movies throughout the day. "Who wants to go out to eat and go have some fun?" My mom offers

"You have money?" Alex laughs not believing she has the money to do that kind of stuff.

"Oh yes I do I'm a pathologist" mom states

"Wow that's a pretty cool job" I say smiling

"I'm sure they make loads of money, like me!" Alex says in a childish way.

Mom laughs. "I forgot what career path you chose?"

"Oh I'm a dentist" he says chuckling

Mom shut up. "Oh that's nice.."

"Is something wrong?" Alex says

"No I'm fine, I'm so surprised you made it through all that college" mom says

"Yea I'm happy with my job" Alex says

A little later we went out to dinner. We went to a little buffet we always went to in our childhood.

The waiter seated us and took our drink orders.

"I'll have chocolate milk" I say

Alex looks at me like I was crazy but chuckle. My mom ordered a Diet Coke which made him roll his eyes again. Just thank god he ain't in dentist mode right now. Alex just got a water which is soo boring but you know it's typical of a dentist to get water.. haha

Then when our drinks came we went to the buffet like I got so much food, this buffet is like the best in town.

I got Mac and cheese, chicken tenders, cheesy potatoes, some chicken soup for the first round. I know I'll be eating much more because I have a huge appetite!

Alex looks at me when I arrive back to the table. He is such a health freak.

After dinner we went to the go kart track and did mini golf. I beat Alex in both go karting and mini golf!

We did a few other things then we went back to moms place. I was so tired I fell asleep in the couch. Alex came up to me. "Brush your teeth before you go to sleep" he chuckled

"Hold on.. let me take a nap first" I mumbled

He sighs then I guess he walked away. I then woke up 20 min later then go up to the bathroom brush and floss then went to bed. I was really tired for some reason. Today has been eventful. Tomorrow Alex leaves to go back because he needs to get back to work he doesn't wanna lay any more work on Jason anymore.

Alex knocks on my door. He comes in. "I'm leaving Tomorrow morning I want you to be good for mom and always brush and flush I'll be checking" Alex says

"I know Alex i lived with you a very long time" I say.

"I'll be sure to keep in contact with you but you'll need to find another dentist unless mom wants to drive a few hours to my office" he chuckles

"I don't know, can I sleep now" I mumble into my pillow

"Yes, goodnight" Alex says before leaving my room I heard the door close.

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