Ch 35 - Brace talk again?

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"Really?" I say loudly

"Yes really it's good for your teeth" Alex stated

We arrive home and I stormed off to my room.

Why is he so desperate for me to get braces oh my god why does my brother have to be a dentist?
Since he is my brother he gots all this time to talk about the health of my teeth, he wants to go on and on and never shut up about my teeth.


well he is upset, I just want what's best for him and that is getting braces, I want him to have the perfect smile. He has to get the orthodontic examination by Dr. woods again but that is fine that appointment is coming up in a week and I don't wanna tell him or he is gonna ditch or something I'd rather leave it a surprise.

**the day of the orthodontic appointment**

I still haven't told him of the orthodontist appointment today.
I'd rather still leave it a surprise now I have to wake him up since it's this morning.


I was comfortable in bed and I didn't wanna get up but Alex knocks on the door

"Come in" I mumble sleepily.

Alex comes in and sits  on the edge of my bed. I felt his weight on my bed when he sat down.

"I'm not getting braces if that's what you want to talk about" I mumble into my pillow

"Jax please" Alex said softly

Wow his tone changed from earlier. Maybe it is a trick but I know he cares a lot about me and loves me and I know he wants the best for me.
I lift my head up and turn around to look at him.
Alex rubs my back I know he worries about my oral health too much.
Part of me wants to make him happy and proud of me.

"If you get braces you would only have to go to the dentist every 4-6 weeks" Alex said

"For what I just get braces once and it's all done?" I asked a bit confused

"Well... you need your wires on your braces tightened every 4-6 weeks that's the point of braces to bring your teeth closer together and straighter" Alex said

"Will braces hurt?" I say

"When I had them they only hurt for a few days then you get used to them but when you get them tightened they will hurt for a few days" Alex explained

"How many times will I have them tightened" I ask

"That depends on what dr. Woods says" Alex says

"Oh.." I say and look down

"But I can't eat gummies again and all my favorite things" I say forgetting he was a dentist for a second

"You eat gummies?" He says

"Healthy ones" I lie and look up at him and sit up and sit criss cross on my bed.

"We don't have any gummies in the house.. are you lying?" He says growing suspicious

"I buy them sometimes because I have a sweet tooth okay?" I finally admit

He chuckles lowly. "You don't have a sweet tooth you never eat candy"

"Yea right.." I say and get up

"Jax! So your saying you eat CANDY" he says sternly

I gulp. I just said something bad in front of a dentist.

My Brother The dentist 2 Where stories live. Discover now