Ch 36- he knows

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"Jax come here!" Alex yells

I sprinted downstairs and put my shoes and jacket on and sprinted out the front door. I ran to the park and sat in my favorite tree. I started worrying that Alex is going to search my room for sweets.
The truth is I don't hide any sweets in my room I know my brother searches my room when I am at school sometimes so I only go to the shop before and after school and eat my sweets before I come home.

I don't live far from the park it is only down the road and so is my brothers office the office is 5 blocks away when the park is only 3
Blocks away from my house .

I wait a hour or so and finally go home hoping Alex is cooled down.
I saw Alex sitting on the couch watching tv then he saw me and paused what he was watching he was watching Netflix. Watching stranger things.
"So you eat sweets without my permission" he says
"No no no only sometimes I don't eat them as much as you think Alex I swear!"  I say and that was the truth, I only have a lot of sugar once or twice a week which usaully is a fizzy drink like Coca Cola and some candy like sour patch kids or skittles and maybe chocolate sometimes.

"Really?" He says not believing me

"I swear Alex!" I say

"How much sugar do you eat a week then?" He says

"I probably eat some candy and a fizzy once or twice a week"  I admit

"What kind of candy and fizzy specifically" he questioned

"A coke and sour patch kids or skittles" I say then shrug knowing he wins and now is about to give me a deep cleaning.

"We have been over this Jaxon, no sweets or your getting a cleaning" Alex warns getting a bit annoyed

"I always brush my teeth are you stupid?" I yell

"In fact I am not stupid you are for eating sweets" Alex says and crosses his arms

"Why can't i have sweets once in a. while it won't kill me" I say

"I know.." he whispers

"Okay?" I say

"I'm making dinner, go to your room then come down for dinner" he says

"Why can't I stay down here?" I question

"Because I said so!" He says

I jump and went up to my room and slam my door.
Why does he always have to be like this..

**two days later**

We were enjoying dinner then Alex brought up something.

"Jax you have an orthodontist appointment with dr. Woods tommorow" he says

I put my fork down.
"But why?" I say

"You need an orthodontic examination before you get braces next week" he says

My mouth dropped open.

But I didn't argue with him.

**the next day**

I was currently waiting in the waiting room for dr. Woods I have an orthodontist appointment with him.

He soon opens that door and calls my name very professionally

"Jaxon Wilson" he says

I stand up roll my eyed and approach him. He had a mask tucked neatly under his chin he was wearing his blue scrubs and a doctors coat.

"Hello Jaxon would you follow me please" he says and smiles warmly at me.

We go back to his exam room and I take a seat I didn't wanna get in trouble I don't want Alex to get involved

He washed his hands applies gloves and puts his mask up.
"First I am going to feel around your jaw line outside your mouth" he says
He does so it feels weird somebody touching your face.
After he finished he reclined the chair back.

He grabbed his mirror and explorer and turned on the overhead lamp and positioned it over my mouth.
He began looking around my mouth and does the orthodontic examination then he notices something concerning.

He takes the tools out of my mouth. "Have you lost all your Baby teeth yet?"

"I'm only 10 what do you think?" I question

"I have to get Alex" he says and takes his gloves off and walks out of the room.

If I still have baby teeth then I don't get braces yay for me.

A few minutes later they both come in the room.
"Alex I don't think he lost all his baby teeth" dr woods says

Alex sits on the stool and dr woods took the other stool.
Alex applies gloves and mask and grabs a mirror and explorer. "Open" he says

I roll my eyes and open my mouth.

"He lost most of them but there is 3 still I suppose if we pull the remaining 3 he could get braces then" Alex said

Then taps on the 3 baby teeth. "Are any of those loose Jax?" Alex asks

"I think one is a little" I manage to say.

"Well we could just get this over and done with I guess then you can take molds another day and do the braces another day.. could you do molds the same day as braces mike?" Alex asks

"No actually maybe do the molds tomorrow and braces next week?" Mike suggested

"Okay sounds good" he says

"Are we done here can we go home?" I say not realizing what was bound to happen

"Jax.. I have to pull the 3 remaining baby teeth" Alex said

"What why?" I say

"You can't have braces with baby teeth" Alex says

"Oh.. are we doing this another day?" I say

"No we are doing it now sorry" he says as he get sup and leaves the room. Mike just casually took his gloves and mask off and threw them away.

Alex comes in a few min later with a new tray of tools. He put the other tray on the counter then mike took it and left the room the tray went to get sterilized.

Alex places a bib on me.

"Are you ready?" He says

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