Chapter 4- Hell day

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I woke up normal time to my alarm and got out of bed.
I went to the restroom and got dressed in a striped shirt and cargo shorts and socks.

I went down to the kitchen. Climbed the counter grabbed the box of Cheerios but slipped off the counter spilling what was left of it over the floor
Alex came running downstairs "the heck happened" then he noticed the spilled Cheerios

I was sitting on the floor cuz I fell and gave
him a disapproving look.
"What does it look like Alexander" I blurted out in a somewhat angry way

He sighed then started to clean the mess up.
"I'll leave a few bucks so you can run to the shop and get breakfast" he mumbled

I chuckled. And helped him clean the mess

"But! Nothing too sugary mr" Alex says

I rolled my eyes went in the other room and put on my shoes grabbed my bag and the few bucks he gave me. "Bye!" I yell and headed out the door.

I headed to my bus stop just in time. The bus got there when I got there.
When I got in Zane tripped me again. I was already mad so I flipped him off and headed to my seat. I felt like smacking him but I would get in a lot of trouble.

Today I had PE which we played dodgeball. And yes I did get hit in the face and blacked out.

I awoke in the nurses office. I turned to see Nurse Rosie looking at me deeply worried.

"Wha.. happened" I managed to get out

"Hit in the face by Zane you got a black and blue nose with a bloody nose but I cleaned that up and there's blood dripping from your mouth.." she said

"Did you call my brother" I ask as I sat up.

"Yes hun he's on his way" she said as she handed me an icepack.

My brother came through the office into the nurses office and his eyes widened.

"What happened bud?" He said as he came and sat next to me.
"Just look at me a black and blue nose and blood coming through my mouth" I whine

He picked me up and he signed me out grabbing my bag from the corner.
The other classmates grabbed my work for me.

"I hope Zane got in trouble" I say quietly

"I bet he will if he doesn't there will be consequences" he said as he grabbed his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car and sat me in the backseat. I put my seat belt on.

"Where are we going?" I say

"To my office" he says

I pouted as I didn't wanna go there

Alex pouted back clearly he was mocking me back

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