Ch 43- a week later

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Me and mom we're sitting at the breakfast bar just chatting away. She pauses for a second.
"You have an orthodontic appointment with Dr. Woods today" she says

"What time" I say as I'm still sitting here in my pajamas and have to shower and get ready.

"In a couple hours, around noon" she says

"Okay fine ,but I have to shower and get ready" I say as I quickly finish my breakfast and let Buttercup our husky back in the house. She holds her favorite ball in her mouth.

Buttercup sits on the couch in the front room. I then go upstairs into my bedroom grab a tee shirt and some jean shorts. Then head to my bathroom turn on my speaker and play some music whilst I hop in the shower and wash my body and hair.

After 15 minutes I get out and dry off and get dressed, I brushed my hair and put my glasses on and finally brush and floss my teeth.
I don't really want braces but you know my mom is gonna make me get them.

I lastly grab some ankle socks and put them on and brush my hair then wash my face with my cleanser. Then I finally head downstairs where my mom is now just getting up and heading upstairs herself to get ready and shower.

I sit on the couch with Buttercup and pet her and turn on the tv where a movie was playing and I watched the movie. It was finding Nemo and it was the dentist scene. Perfect timing.

A half hour later my mom finally comes downstairs all ready to go. "We have to leave in 15 minutes" my mom said

"I know I'm ready" I say and finally get up and walk to the mud room and get my shoes on.
We leave after 10 minutes I put my earbuds in my ears and listened to music. My mom drives to the office.

We arrive after 20 minutes of driving we park the car get out and lock in and walk inside the office there I saw Jaxon sitting on one of the waiting room chairs.

Jaxon looks at me. "Grace?"

I smile and wave at him.

My mom looks at him curiously

"What are you doing here?" I say and stand up and sit next to him

"My brother wants me to have a checkup because I've been eating a lot of sweets lately" he says sadly

"That's fun, I recently had a root canal with him last week" I say

"That sounds not fun, I haven't had a cavity in a  while" he says remembering the events of Shaun.

The next thing I know the door to the back reveals Alex.

"Jax I'm ready" he says and uses his finger to signal for Jax to come to him.

Alex sees me and smiles "hey Grace"

"Hi.." I say shyly

Jax gets up and whispers in my ear "I hate my brother sometimes.."

I chuckle lowly as Jax and Alex disappear into the back hallway where the exam rooms were.

I sigh and just feel straight on bad for him. I hope he doesn't get a cavity.


I follow my brother on back to the exam room, I take a seat in the chair. He places a bib on he and he washes his hands and applies gloves and mask. Then places the lead jacket over me.

He first takes xrays. Once he was done he takes the lead jacket off.

He then finally reclined me back. He Gave me a full on examination. Luckily no pain.

He then gives my teeth a cleaning then finally I was done.

"Good thing no cavities" he says

"Thank god" I chuckle

He removes my bib and returns the chair to normal state, I get up  and go his office and flip on his couch. I wait for him to finish his shift.


the door opens again, I expected to see Jaxon come out but no it wasn't it was Dr. woods

"Grace Dixon" he says professionally.

I stand up and approach him. He takes me on back to the exam room and told me to take a seat.

He sits on his stool and washes his hands, puts on a bib, and applies gloves and mask.

"All I'm gonna do is the examination and molds today if that's alright with you?" He says

"Yea that's fine" I sigh, I wanted to make a run for it.
He reclined me on back and told me to open my mouth.
He starts but doing the examination and a few measurements.
"Your teeth are a bit crowded one at least needs to be pulled before braces" he says sadly

Pulled? Oh hell no

I bite his finger a bit. He yells in pain takes his gloves off and goes to the sink and tends to his finger. He gets up from the stool.

"I don't want braces or my tooth pulled!" I yelled

I hear the door open and a concerned Alex peers in.
"Everything okay?" He says

"I think she got a bit scared and accidentally hit my finger" Mike says

"Why did she get scared?" Alex asks

"I mentioned a tooth being pulled before braces" he says

"Ohh" Alex says then looks at me.

I look at him and shake my head no.

"Well... shall we get this over and done with now?" Alex says coming in the room.


"No! Another time please!" I beg and I sat up in the chair

Alex sighs.
"I'm sorry" he says and gently pushes me back and sits on the stool

"JAXON!" I yell

Jaxon runs in.

"Jax go wait in my office!" Alex snaps

"No" Jax said

"No?" Alex says angrily

"Don't hurt her please" Jax says

"I wasn't gonna hurt her, why did you think that?" Alex said in a annoyed tone

I start breathing really heavily I was on verge of having a panic attack.

"She's scared Alex!" Jax says in a worried tone

Mike notices. "Alex.. she's scared.. maybe it should wait.."

"Let her calm down I'll do it after" Alex says

Jax comes in the room and comes close to me and pulls me in a hug.

"Shhh calm down..." Jax says calmly.

I slowly start to calm down. Once I was calmed down. I hear Jax get up and he kissed my Cheek  "good luck.." he says

I hear the door shut and Alex locks it before coming back to me.


My Brother The dentist 2 Where stories live. Discover now