Ch 48- a few weeks later

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Me and Grace were hanging in my room and were playing GTA.. I was surprised a girl like Grace would like GTA.

Even though she enjoys driving taxis, shooting people and stuff like that. She doesn't do missions.

I do the missions and she just messes around which I don't mind

I hear a knock on my door..

"Come in" I say

Alex opened the door. "Hey Jax, hey Grace"

"Hi" Grace said grumpily not wanting to see Alex. She still hates Alex.

"Jax.. you are due for a checkup" Alex says

"You've got to be kidding me" Jax says not in a happy tone

"I'm serious" Alex warns

"Fine, when" I say angrily

"Tomorrow" he says before shutting the door and leaving the room

"I'm so sorry Jax" grace says

"Yea I hate check ups" I chuckle

I'm not gonna pitch a fit tomorrow I don't like when Alex gets angry at me.

Me and Grace play GTA and Minecraft for a few hours then Grace has to go home for dinner and she had stuff to do.

Me and Alex eat dinner. We didn't talk much. This happened a lot. Some days are better then others.

After dinner we clean up and watch a movie. Then after I go upstairs I shower and get ready for bed.

I brush my teeth then head to my room where I watch a episode of a tv show I've been watching and finally go asleep.


I woke up around 8...just like Alex wanted me too he said I had to go work with him to give me my checkup which I wasn't looking forward too at least I don't have a toothache.

I change my clothes, did my hair and brushed my teeth then headed downstairs and decided on a granola bar for breakfast. Alex was at the kitchen table on his laptop drinking tea usually what he does every morning 

We didn't talk much we just said good morning to each other. We aren't morning people. Mostly me. Alex is always up in the morning. He is used to it.

The time we have to leave comes quick I get my shoes and jacket. Alex grabs his shoes bag and jacket then we went to the garage and got in the car and opened the garage and locked the house up. We pull out of the driveway closing the garage.

We left for the office we didn't talk much we just put on some 80's 90's music on the radio on low volume. I knew Alex knew I wasn't happy to go to this appointment.

We finally arrive to the office and get out and lock the car we head into Alex's office so he can drop his stuff on and double check patient files before bringing me on back to the exam room.

I sit down in the chair and he places the bib on me.
He washes his hands and applies gloves and a mask.
He does xrays which weren't that bad

He positions the light and reclined me back and grabs a mirror and explorer.

"Open" he say

I obey and open my mouth. He explores my mouth and checks on the progress of my braces.
He does a good cleaning of my teeth and flosses them.

Soon the checkup was over and I had no cavities. He takes the bib off and he removes his gloves and mask and throws them in the bin.

He had me wait in his office for his shift as he said if I did we will be going out to eat.

After his shift at 4 we left the office and we went out to eat at a little diner in town. They had really good food.

We ordered waters to start with and what I ate was pancakes and Alex had a omelet.

I doused my pancakes in syrup but Alex doesn't seem to care, he loves syrup on pancakes as much as I do.
We eat and chat ant then go home. We watch quite a few minutes till it began to get late and had to do my night routine of showering, brushing my teeth, stuff like that. I even had a bed time snack which I had after brushing my teeth, i don't care if I already brushed it was just some grapes, it's not like it was candy or anything.

I fell asleep later that night while I was watching my tv show..

I can't wait to get my braces off and I can't wait to see grace again..

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