Chapter 27- the damage

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I wake up the next morning still in the living room. At least I didn't have a flashback. I wonder how scared I'll be to sit in the dental chair...

Alex comes downstairs all dressed in his scrubs. He looked like Shaun. But I know it's not Shaun..

I started shaking. "I'm having flashbacks so we really have to do this today?"

"I don't want to have you in any more pain, I know your in a lot of pain" Alex says

He was right I was in quite a bit of pain.

I sigh. "What about my flashbacks though?"

"You might have to see a therapist, but my co worker Jason is quite a good one In fact" Alex chuckles at the last part

"Is Jason always working the front desk?" I ask

"Most of the time" Alex shrugs

"Can I talk to him or you can perhaps" Jaxon says

"Well. Um you can" Alex says

"Why me he's your co worker and I really never talked with him before and I'm nervous" I say and look down

"Also he's very close to being qualified to be a dentist" Alex sighs

"That's nice.." I sigh

I got up from the couch and walked up to him with my crutches. "Can we get this over with?" I say

"Of course" Alex says

He helped me to the car and locked up the house. Then he drove to the office. We arrive to the office and he helped me out of the car and I walked to the entrance with my crutches. I was getting a hang of these. They were easy to use honestly.

Once I've entered the smell got to me and I stopped in my tracks having a flashback.

Jason looks up front the computer. Then at Alex. "Is he okay?" Jason questioned and got up.

"He is having flashbacks" Alex sighed then I snapped out of the flashback. Then stared at Jason. "Alex says you are a good therapist"

Jason laughs. "Maybe.. I am good with comforting people especially if they are scared of this place"

I laugh and almost fall on the floor but Alex was behind me and caught me in time.

"Remember Shaun?" Alex says looking at Jason

"Yes What did he do this time? Jason sighed

"He hurt him, tortured him dentally" Alex sighs

"Oh no that's illegal.." Jason sighed

"Yea and I might need assistance" Alex sighs

"I could help I need some more training Anyways" he chuckles

"Well you can explore his mouth then" Alex sighs

No way. I wasn't having a minor do it.

"Alex but I want you to do it" I complain

Alex looks at me. "He needs the practice"

"But Alex!" I whine about to throw a fit

"I'll be right next to him I'll be watching him very closely" Alex says

I sighed angrily. I walked using crutches to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Alex asks and crosses his arms

"What does it look like?" I say then walk into the bathroom and lock the door.

I look in the mirror. "I can't do this"
I looked like a mess I opened my mouth and saw where I lost the teeth.

I looked around the room trying to find an exit besides the door because I know Jason and Alex were right behind the door.

There was no exit. I had to face them. I look like I was about to break down in tears. I unlock the door and I was right they were standing right there.

I break down in tears. Alex looks down. "I don't have to do it.." jason says then walks back to his position to the reception desk

Alex sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it"

I walk up to him using my crutches. "I'm fine."

Alex rolls his eyes then picks me up and also carries my crutches to the exam room. He seats me on the chair. There was no way out of this I was crippled with my stupid broken leg.

He sat my crutches in the corner and shut the door then took a seat on his roller chair and reclined the chair and applies the gloves and mask.

He rolled behind me and positions the overhead light and grabs his mirror and explorer.

"Open" he instructs

I shook my head no. I was freaking out I didn't want him to see this disaster in my mouth.

He sighs. "I don't want to hurt you.. please Jaxon"

"You will though.." I mumble and start to cry more.

"Please" Alex begs

I finally give in and open my mouth constantly whining. He started examining my mouth.

"Oh I see.. it's not that bad I just have to fill all these holes that he made which won't hurt.. and there is a cracked tooth I may have to pull that's it.." Alex said

"Pull a tooth no.. I whine softly

"I'll do that first it'll be over really quick" Alex says and grabs the q-tip with jelly and rubs it on my gum and a few minutes later he injected the needle

Then he pulled the tooth and sucks the blood and places the gauze.

Then he started filling each and every one of the holes in my teeth.

It wasn't bad honestly. I was finished and the chair was placed back to its normal state and Alex removes his gloves and mask and moves the light. He helps me out of the chair and carries me to the car and grabs my crutches.

We go home and he even buys me some icecream. I had a good rest of my day.

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