Ch 41- poor Grace

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I wake up around 9am, I was homeschooled. I roll over and check my phone and check my social media.
10 minutes later i get out of bed I grab a oversized shirt and some leggings, I like oversized shirts and leggings, I have a lot of those.
I go to the bathroom and take a shower, I get out of the shower 10 minutes later. I get dressed and brush my hair and put my hair into a fishtail braid.
I brush my teeth and use mouthwash before going downstairs to find my mom on her laptop doing work, whilst sipping coffee and wearing her reading glasses.
"Hey mom" I say as I walk in the kitchen
"Hey" she says
"How's your day going?" I ask her
"Doing okay, by the way you have a checkup with Dr. Wilson today at 11:15" she says
I was eating a breakfast bar when she said that.
"Are you serious" I complain as I let our dog Buttercup outside.. she is a husky. I stand outside with her and watch her and check my phone again and heard birds chirping and a nice breeze..

Yay... the dentist, I'm not a big fan but at least dr. Wilson is nice. He is a pro at giving lectures though. I never had a cavity in my life till now.. I had a toothache for the past few weeks... he is gonna be disappointed

"Yes I'm serious.." my mom said

I go sit on the couch and the den and turn on the tv and I watch a few episodes of stranger things till my mom says it's time to go.

I get up turn off the tv, I then go to the mud room and get my shoes on and go to the garage
My mom followed me out and locks up the house.
We get into the car and open the garage and mom started driving to the office and closed the garage behind her.
We didn't talk a lot during the car ride.. I have a feeling Dr. Wilson will not be happy with me..

We arrive to the office, Park our car, get out and mom locks the car and we head in. We check in with the receptionist.
We take our seats and my heart was pounding
I heard a drill in the distance and it made me cringe badly..
"Please stop" I heard someone cry

The drilling stopped after a few minutes and the door to the back opened and there was two people. One was a kid who looked around my age and Dr. Wilson. His mask was lowered.

"You should feel better soon." Dr.wilson said before turning his gaze to me.
The person left.

"Grace! How good to see you!" He said in a happy tone" Dr. Wilson said

I chuckle nervously " hi.. dr.wilson..."
"You ready to come on back?" He asks
"I guess" I say and get up
"You can call me Alex.. if it makes you feel more comfortable" he says and leads me back to an exam room

Alex.. where have I heard that name before?
It been a while since I talked to him
But is this.. Jaxon's older brother?

I took a seat in the dental chair. He places a bib on me and places a lead jacket on me

"First I'm just gonna take x-rays you have had them before" he say as he places the first bite wing film in my mouth

He finishes the xrays a few minutes later.. then took off the lead jacket
he then takes a look at them then I heard him wash his hands snap on a pair of gloves and his mask and lastly dental loupes then reclined me back
He grabs a mirror and explorer.. "open"
I open my mouth and he slips his tools in my mouth and scrapes bits of plaque off.. then he taps one tooth... I wince and shot is in the chair he was quick enough to remove his tools
"I'm sorry. Grace could you please lay back down I need to look at it" he says
Tears began forming in my eyes but I lay back down and open back up.
"Well.. it's a pretty big cavity... it needs a root canal how long has your tooth been hurting?" He questioned me
"A few weeks.." I croak
"Why didn't you tell your mom sooner?" He says calmly and lowers his mask then rolls in front of me and looks at me with concerned eyes
"I already had this appointment set.. so I figured I wait.." I say

"The longer you wait the worse it's gonna get" he said sternly he takes off his gloves and mask and dental loupes

"I'm sorry... dr- Alex" I said as more tears we'll up in my eyes

He sighs. "I'm gonna send In my assistant Jason to clean your teeth I'll tell him to be careful of your sore tooth.. okay.. then I'll have you and your mom schedule an appointment to get your teeth fixed.. ok?" He says

"Okay.." I say

He leaves the room and someone else comes in the room

"Hello" Jason says

"Hi" I say

"Alex told me you have a sore tooth so I will be careful" he says and sits on the stool and washes his hands and applies gloves and mask.

"What kind of toothpaste?" He asks

"Bubblegum" I say

He grabs the toothpaste pod and grabs the polisher and begins polishing my teeth
Once he was done he flossed and used fluoride treatment.
He returns the chair to normal state.
He gives me a bag with a new toothbrush and toothpaste and floss.

I walk out and me and mom schedule the appointment

The appointment is tomorrow I am so nervous

Me and mom went home after..

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