Chapter 10- Creepy basemets

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What in the hell just happened? My heart was racing after he slammed my door.

I got back on my phone and texted Brett

Brett I'm scared... I texted him

What why?" He texted back

Alex is scaring me to much... I then said

What happened... he said

He basically yelled at me and said he will force me to get them. I then say

Oh god that's why I hate the dentist he texted back.

I put my phone away. My brother never goes in the basement because it's creepy as hell.

I could go in the basement. It was now late and I skipped dinner I couldn't handle Alex. I heard his bedroom door close good he's in his room I can go hide out now.

I grabbed my bag filled it with stuff. I then headed downstairs quietly. Then I got to the basement door then opened it. It took a little pulling but I got it open.

I shut it it was hard making a loud noise hoping Alex don't hear me down here. I walk downstairs  with my phone flashlight on and the creaky stairs and hide in the crawl space underneath the stairs I placed a blanket down and proceeded to lay down.

We have our old washer and dryer and our old Christmas decorations and old everything. I tried my best to make myself comfortable

Alex POV

I hear a noise down stairs. So I got out of bed and down to the 1 st floor. I saw nothing there. "Huh" I say and walk around.
Then I headed back upstairs then fell asleep

The next morning I woke up and knew what day it was... the day when Jax gets his braces!

I got out of bed and knocked on his door I peered in and he was gone.

I shrugged it off then went to the bathroom brushed and flosses my teeth and got my scrubs on and headed downstairs.

He wasn't here either....

"JAX" I yell

No response. Silence.

"JAX" I yell again


I looked at the basement door. He wouldn't be down there right?. But I peered down there and saw nothing it was so creepy.


I heard my brother yell my name. I felt something touch me and I looked it was a house centipede.

"AHHHHH" I screeched and sat right up

Uh oh... I hope Alex didn't hear that


i heard a scream and it was from the basement so I opened the basement door and started walking down there. Even though I hate it down here.


I heard footsteps right above me like someone is coming down the stairs. The lights flickered on. Then I saw Alex. I covered myself in the blanket. I was behind boxes and stuff.

Then I had the urge to sneeze I tried sneezing as quiet as possible but I think he still heard it.

"I heard you where are you" Alex said softly

I tried moving but knocked something down causing a crash on the floor.

I was met with my brothers eyes... fuck I'm screwed

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