Chapter 13- visiting mom

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Soon came the weekend... today we are going to visit our mom.


I woke up around 7:30 to Alex tapping my shoulder "wake up wake up" He says very softly

A few minutes later my eyes met my brothers eyes.

He smiled down at me and stroked my hair.

"You ready to see mom today" he says

"Yea sure" I say as I start climbing out of bed then head to my closet and grab some clothes then to the bathroom to get changed and brush my teeth.

I head downstairs and got a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. Alex rolls his eyes whenever I have these I really don't care at this point. I know my brother is a dentist and all but I wanna eat whatever I can.

Before my evil brothers co- worker puts braces on me.

Once I finish my breakfast, rinse out the bowl and put it in the sink I get my shoes on and jacket and wait on the sofa in the front room.

Alex came in shortly after me with his shoes and jacket on.

"You ready?" He says

"Yes" I say

We head out to the car locking the door behind us then we were off to our moms house. I haven't seen her in awhile I hope she is doing better now.

"Do you think mom will be happy to see us" I say to start a conversation

"Of course she will! She been sober for a month!" Alex explained

"A month that's pretty good" I say

"Yes it is" Alex said

It started raining then it poured and we jammed out to our favorite music station

One hour later we got to our moms small town.

A few short minutes later we pulled into her driveway. She have still lived in the same house  the one me and Alex lives in when we were kids.

We got out of the car locked it and knocked on the door

The door slowly opens revealing our mom....

Her eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face...

"Jaxon, Alex is that you?" She asks

We nodded our heads.

She let us in and she gave us a big hug.

"Mom I missed you so much" Alex says

"I missed you too Alex" she said happily

"Mom I missed you too" I say

She looks at me picks me up and hugs me and started sobbing.

I couldn't help but cry too.

She sat me back down next to Alex and wiped her eyes.

"I've missed you both so much it been so hard" she said

"I know mom we've missed you too much too" Me and Alex both said

"Do you want some lunch? I can make sandwiches or soup or something for this chilly day" My mom said as she proceeded to the kitchen.

Me and Alex exchanged looks. "Vegetable soup sounds good" I say and Alex nodded

"You remember my famous vegetable soup I'll get right on it" mom said before starting on the soup

Twenty minutes later she called us in for lunch. We got our bowls and took a bite. "Oh my just how I remember it mom thank you so much" Alex mentioned

"So mom you've been sober for a while?" I ask

"Yes honey I've realized my family means more than alcohol I hated my life so I got help now I'm sober" mom said

After lunch we chatted for awhile watch our favorite movie.
Then in the evening time we headed off back home. After saying our goodbyes and promises to visit very soon.

I love my mom nobody can take her away from me or Alex.

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