CHAPTER 1: Prologue

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"BREAKING NEWS. Another girl was reported missing last night. Now total of sixteen girls have went missing in span of two days. Police are still looking for the kidnapper. They suspect Park Jimin which works for a opprobrious gang BTS. But they still don't have a solid proof to prove them guilty of all kidnappings. Stay tuned to ABC NEWS for further updates."

Amora attention diverted back to the machine which dinged indicating that the coffee was prepared. After grabbing the coffee cup she handed it to Norah who served it to an old lady sitting on the very corner of cafe.

Today there were few customers in cafe as today was working day with everyone resting in their house after a hard day at work. Bored, Amora leaned on the counter with her head on her palm, her elbow supporting her arm on the counter. She starred out through the window at cold night and almost empty streets.

"Bored." She heard her best friend, Norah, say.

"Very." She pouted spearing a glance at her and then continuing looking out.

"Don't worry. We can close after they go." She said patting her shoulder.

Norah was Amora's only best friend. Only true friend. They have known each other since childhood. They know each other deepest secrets and are always there for each other through thick and thins of life. In Amora's dark life full of despair and darkness she was the only light. She was someone Amora can always relay on.

Thinking of despair and darkness the recent event came in her mind making her sigh without even realizing. She started thinking about how bad luck have chosen her. Her life was already burden on her and now this. She doesn't know what to do.

"Hello! Earth to Amora." Norah waved her hand noticing she was dazing.

"Huh." Amora looked confused.

"Are you thinking about that?" Norah asked worry for her best friend evident in her eyes.

Another sigh left her mouth, "I don't know what to do Norah. I feel like there is no way out of this prison."

"What ever you decide to do just remember I will always be there for you. Okay." Norah patted her and smiled knowing it will make her feel good.

Amora smiled back and hugged her, "You know you are the only one I can relay on Norah. Thanks for always being there for me." A tear escaped her eyes.

"Hey. Are you crying?" Norah broke the hug feeling her shoulder getting wet.

"No." Amora quickly whipped her tears.

"Ah. This girl." Norah flicked her forehead and helped her wipe her tears.

"Come on. It's time to close cafe."

After changing out of there uniform they closed the cafe and got out in cold,chilly night, their breaths condensing into fog when coming in contact with the cold surrounding. Both of them walked in complete silence, only sound that could be heard was of few passer by cars.

"It's scary." Norah said crossing her arms on her chest to keep her warm.

"What?" Amora looked at her for brief second.

"You know. Walking at night, all alone, knowing there are kidnappings happening." She shuddered in fear.

"Don't worry. It's safe here. Nothing happened in this area." Amora confirmed to make her calm.

"Yeah but it can happen." She interjected.

Amora just shook her head and continued walking. After a few minute walk they reached in front of Norah's apartment building.

"Bye and take care of yourself. If you feel if someone is following you. Just run and don't look back." Norah advised.

"Okay Mom." Amora laughed and made her way to her house. Norah stood outside until her figure disappeared.

Amora hugged her jacket close to her body to protect herself from cold air. She brought her hands near her mouth and blew air in them. As she kept on walking she can't help but think and fall in dark abyss of her mind.

How her life would have been a lot better if her mother was here or if her father have not married another woman. She can't blame her father for that. He really loved her mother and only reason why he married someone else was so that she can look after her and her elder brother.

When her mother died, because of liver cancer, her brother was six and she was two. So she doesn't know how her mother looked or what is a mother's love.

"Wish I was one of those girls who got kidnapped?" She murmured but hit her head at her thought.

Walking she noticed the house, which she could have referred to as home but is a prison to her. She sighed as she stood there and looked at the house for awhile. She inhaled and started moving.

"Welcome to prison Amora." She opened the front door and quietly entered.

On entering she saw her only nightmare sitting in front of her - her step mother. If a look can kill, Amora would have died thousand deaths because of the way she was shooting daggers at her. Whenever she is in front of her, her heart feels like coming out of her chest in fear.

But Amora can't let her have fun of her fear so she always try to come out strong in front of her. And this time she just ignored her and went inside kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She poured water in glass as she came inside now standing in front of her.

"Get ready tomorrow. We are going to meet them." She ordered, dominance dripping in her tone.

She again ignored her and after drinking her water she left kitchen with the lady hot on her trails. She knows she is burning in anger because she hates it the most when someone doesn't answer her. She doesn't know why but she liked it when she is shaking in anger.

"Listen young lady I'm talking to you." She sternly said and Amora stopped in her tracks.

"And I'm saying you again. I'm not going to follow your orders." She replied with venom in her tone.

She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms on her chest, "I am not asking you. I am telling you. Now get ready by tomorrow and I don't want any drama from you."

Amora again ignored her and ran towards her room. She saw her coming but before she can reach she slammed the door to her room shut and locked it. She slid down as tear escaped her eyes.

The door was constantly being knocked harshly behind her. She covered her ears to avoid the voice but all vain. She doesn't know for how long she sat there but the noise have stopped. She stood and sat on her bed. She doesn't know any solution to her problem.

Suddenly a bulb lights up in her brain and she ran towards the desk where here laptop was. She turned it on. Although it was a very crazy idea but it was her only hope. When the computer turned on she quickly opened search engine and typed in three letters.


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