CHAPTER 26: Party

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He stood infront of the mirror running brush through his hair but in reality he was completely immersed in his thoughts. That scene would keep on flashing through his eyes no matter how much he ignored it.

"No. It's not like that. They are just friends." Namjoon said while setting his tie.

After the final glance on his outfit he left his room. He was walking through corridor typing on his phone when he saw Norah coming out of her room smiling and dressed in black dress. To  Namjoon she looked so beautiful that he can't help but stop in his steps and admire the beauty of the one standing infront of her.

He would have admired her for more time if Jungkook had not came out of her room behind her and took her away, with their arms crossed. For some reason his hold on his phone became tighter and he slammed the phone on the wall making it break into pieces.

Namjoon was very possessive about his belongings and Norah was someone whom he loved and cared about. Now seeing her smiling with someone else was making his heart tear apart and for the first time in life Kim Namjoon felt scared - scared of losing Norah.


Amora ran her fingers on the black diamond which was sparkling to all its glory. That necklace looked so beautiful on her that it looked like it was just made for her. Simple and beautiful just like her.

Amora felt a bit nervous about this relationship but one thing she was sure about was that Jimin is the one she loves and he is the one who can give her all happiness and love she deserves. Amora was brought out of her thought when she heard a knock on the door.

"Are you ready? We are about to leave?" She heard Jimin say and her heart skipped a beat.

"Y. Yeah. Coming." She answered and with last glance on herself she came out of the room.

Jimin who was facing other way turned around when he heard the door open and his time froze there. He can't help but feel lucky because of the girl standing infront of her who brought him back to life and made him feel emotion which he thought, only brings pain. His eyes travelled to the necklace she was wearing. He completely knew the meaning of that and his heartbeat started to fasten.

Amora who was fiddling with her finger and looking down at the floor was growing confused of the stares of Jimin and it wasn't helping but making her more nervous.

"Aren't we getting late?" She finally build some courage to speak.

Jimin came out of his trance and a smile morphed on his face. He took hold of her face and pecked her forehead.

"You look beautiful. And you are all mine." He said like he was proud of having her as his life partner.

"Let's go." He took hold of her hand and went out to where the cars were standing.


There was a complete silence in the car - a comfortable silent. Jennifer stole a glance of Taehyung who looked like a handsome prince right now.

"Is everything alright?" He asked still looking infront.

"Yeah." Jennifer who was looking at him quickly looked forward.

"Am I looking handsome that you can't keep your eyes off me?" He smirked.

"Pfff. You wish." She scoffed.

"Don't worry. I'm all yours. Watch me as much as you want." His sentence made butterflies fly in her stomach.

Her mind travelled to the day when he left her and she was waiting for him to come. For some reason Jennifer had an urge to complain to him about what he did to her and tell him how heart broken she felt.

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