CHAPTER 27: Destined To Be

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She woke up from the sun rays piercing her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked around to see Jimin sleeping beside her. The last night flashed infront of her eyes where he treated her like a fragile doll made out of glass that will break if treated hardly. Whole night was spent with Jimin loving her like she had never been loved before. A blush appeared on her face.

"Take a picture." She came out of her daze at Jimin's voice.

"You're awake."

"I didn't sleep." Amora looked at him confused.

"After you feel asleep I admired my wife whole night." He pulled her down on himself.

"Stop." She slapped his chest.

"Stop. That not what you said last night." He said innocently.

Amora sighed and got up to freshen herself but the moment she placed her feet on floor she felt a pang between her legs and sat back on bed.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"Looks like I went a little hard last night." He felt guilty.

"No. You were amazing. And I'm fine. But can you just help me a little bit." Jimin quickly nodded his head and helped her to reach the bathroom.

After they both got freshen up they came out of the room and made there way to lounge. When they came in lounge they stopped and looked at Namjoon and Norah.

Namjoon sat on couch cross legged with Norah in his lap, working on his phone. Norah was going through the book and after few minutes asked something from Namjoon which she didn't understand in the book and Namjoon patiently explained her everything.

"Finally." Jimin and Amora said in unison.

Both of them made their way to dining table where Jin was helping the servent set the table for breakfast.

"Hello hyung." Jimin and Amora also started helping.

"Hey. Why did both of you left the party early." Jin asked making Jimin look at Amora who was looking down blushing.

Jin figured the reason out himself and smiled.

"You should have told us about leaving early. We got worried. Thank God the guard told us that you already went."


"I'm nervous Tae." Jennifer sat back on the bed.

"Hey. Don't be afraid. They are very kind and open hearted. Believe me they'll accept you." He tried to comfort her.

After the party last night, both of them came to Bangtan mansion as they wanted to spent some time together. They talked to each other whole night, Jennifer telling him about all the pain she felt and him consoling her and promising her to always stay with her. This time these promises were not meant to be broken.

Now Jennifer was feeling nervous of meeting the rest of boys and girls and Taehyung was convincing her that everything will be alright.

"Woman. If you don't get up right now I'll give you a punishment that'll make you regret." His voice became deep making shiver ran down her spine.

She quickly got hold of herself and stood up pouting.

"I'm a girl not woman." She shouted and went out of door leaving behind a laughing Taehyung.

He ran out of the room and got hold of her hand.

"My girl doesn't know the way. She'll get lost." He pinched her nose.

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