CHAPTER 5: Miss Slap

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"Who is that girl?" Taehyung squinted his eyes looking at a girl running after their car. Jimin looked behind narrowing his eyes.

"Wait. That's Miss Slap." Taehyung teased, smirking after hearing a groan vibrate out of his chest.

"Just ignore her and speed up the car." Jimin motioned his hand, gesturing Taehyung to move forward, while still looking back.

"Why I think we should stop and talk to her. She looks like a daring girl to me. Daring enough to slap you." Taehyung looked at him raising an eyebrow mockingly and slowing down the car.

Jimin shot a deadly gaze at him making Taehyung laugh and look in front before he sped up the car and took a left turn. Both of them looked back to make sure she was not following them and Jimin sighed a sigh of relief.

"Care to explain who is she?" Taehyung looked at his friend.

"Ah. I don't know. She came to me that day and just ask me something very crazy." Jimin groaned.

"Really. And what's  that crazy thing." Taehyung asked amusingly.

"She asked me to kidnap her."

Taehyung pulled brake making the car abruptly stop in  it's track and both of their bodies move forward. The horns of car behind them grew louder making Taehyung come out of his dazed form and parked the car at the side of road.

"What? Are you serious?" Taehyung raised his voice in shock.

"I was shocked at that time too. But I'm serious." Jimin replied.

"What if she is an undercover agent?" Taehyung interjected.

"I don't think so. But don't worry I'll be careful." Jimin patted his shoulder reassuringly.

Taehyung nodded and started driving the car. After few minutes of drive they reached in front of a mansion they are very familiar to. The automated gates opened allowing them the entry. They parked the car in garage beside other car standing there and got out of it.They got inside the mansion and made there way to lounge knowing rest of the boys were there.

"Thank God you arrived. I thought I was going to fall asleep just waiting for you." The mint haired boy said as they handed the drinks to everyone.

"Did you bring my banana milk?" A boy came downstairs wearing grey sweatshirt and sweat pants, his hair wet showing he just took a shower.

"Here is your banana milk Jungkook." Taehyung handed him his cup, with a boxy smile adoring his face.

After handing everyone their drink they all took a seat around the coffee table. Papers were sprawled on the table, a blonde haired man studying them.

"Okay. So there is a reason I called everyone of you here." Namjoon aka leader of BTS started.

"Firstly I have taken care of the girls kidnapping case." He said.

"But hyung." Jimin was cut mid sentence.

"I know Jimin. But we have to take care of it. We can't afford to be in police focus right now." Jimin nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"Now talking about deal. This is man is our next target." He pushed a picture towards him. "You know what to do. Kidnap him without getting noticed." He looked at Jimin while passing him the picture.

Jimin took the picture studying it and nodded his head. "But where can I find him." He asked.

"He is mostly in his house with his wife but every Friday he books a room in hotel and calls a girl to have fun. He is going to call one today so you will take that as chance and go there." Yoongi continued.

"His wife is a political figure and we need her support. She needs our help. She wants us to kidnap him so when the news spreads she can get support from people which will help her politically."

"Here's the rest of details that can help you." Yoongi passed him a file.

"I get it but how am I going to get inside the room without getting noticed." Jimin eyed everyone until a realization hit him making his eyes widen.

"No. Way." He shook his head. He turned to Taehyung who patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry pal you will look beautiful."


She sat again with people she don't know if she can call them her family, in silence. All of them looked busy talking to each other ignoring her presence like she didn't even exist.

Her brother was talking to his fiancee about the recent surgery he did and her father was busy talking business stuff to his wife. Everyone looked happy and satisfied with there lives except for her.

A dinner with family is a time where you talk and laugh with them but for Amora it was a complete torment. Especially the woman who made her life a nightmare for her, looking all happy and smiling, made her body convulse in anger.

"So about the dinner with Mr Kang and his son. I have arranged it next week." Amora sighed thinking that this woman is not going to let her breath calmly.

"And for last time. I never agreed for this." Amora spat.

"Amora. We are not going to talk about this again." Her father said sternly.

"Right. Never talk about this or bring it in front of me again." She scoffed.

"Amora dear..."

"Don't call me dear. I'm not your daughter and you are not my mother. Understand it." She stood pointing her finger at her stepmother.

Before anyone can say anything she left dining room and got out of the house. The cold wind outside hit her making her shiver and wrap her arms around her. The constant tears were making her vision blurry as passer by stared at her weirdly but it didn't concerned her.

She continued walking while wiping the tears which managed to escape her eyes until she was standing in front of park. She remembers her father saying that this is the place where he met her mother and  from then on she always come here when she was having problem in her life. She likes to think, whenever she is here, that her mother is watching her from above, confronting her.

She sat on a swing and looked up at night sky, stars sparkling to their fullest. There was no one at park during this hour so she closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh air with calming smell of nearby flowers, relaxing her nerves.

"I wish you were here Mom." She opened her eyes, a tear trickling down her face.

"Everything would have been different. Right." She smiled a broken smile which mirrored her broken heart.

"That woman wouldn't have been in my life. I would have known what mother's love is. We would have been that happy family."

"I'm not complaining though. I know your watching me from above. But it would had been good if you were here. With me through the thick and thin of life."

"I never asked anything from you. But can you please send an angel for me down here. Like guardian angel. Who would say I'm always with you. That." She looked down at her lap, "That would be enough for me."

She played with her hands as tear fell on them. She quickly wiped them scoffing at her silliness. She knew there are no such things as guardian angel. They are just mythical creatures. Everyone in this world live for themselves, No one care for other.

But little did she knew that not a guardian angel but a guardian demon was send for her.

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