CHAPTER 24: Dark Chapter

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The bullets were being fired everywhere. The only sound filling the air was of firing guns and screams. Jimin took a cover behind a table with his gun still in his hand. He was about to peek and fire when he heard a sniffle from behind him. He looked back to see the girl crouched down and crying with her face in hands, her body trembling with fear.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asked making her look up and his heart skipped a beat.

Jimin didn't believed in love at first sight but seeing the way his heart was reacting he was starting to believe in it. Forgetting that his own life was in danger he took hold of her hand taking her by surprise.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out of here." She just nodded her head.

Carefully, passing from behind the tables Jimin succeeded in getting her out of the restaurant. Her body was still trembling with fear. Jimin offered her to drop her at home, forgetting that his friends, who were like his brothers, were inside fighting for their lives.

When Jimin returned home at midnight he found everyone sitting there. He looked at Jungkook who was wearing a bandage on his arms.

"Are you alright Jungkook?" He took steps towards him but Namjoon stopped him.

Although Namjoon looked calm but his eyes were red from anger which made Jimin a bit scared.

"Would you like to explain where were you?" He asked.

"I saw a girl and tried to rescue her." He composed himself.

"Was she hiding properly." Another question was asked to which he nodded his head.

"And still you rescued her forgetting that at that time most important thing was to kill the ones who were firing at us. I'm sure if she was hiding properly she wouldn't had gotten into problem." He said his voice still calm.

But still Jimin heart was beating fast from fear of what Namjoon will do. The calmness Namjoon held was what feared the one infront of him because due to his calm nature the person was unable to find what he was thinking.

"That's what you ignorance caused Jimin." He pointed at Jungkook and this made him lower his head.

Without saying another word Namjoon went to his room with everyone following him one by one. For rest of the night he couldn't sleep feeling guilty of his action which had caused Jungkook to get injured.

Next day Jimin apologized for his action and rest, like the family they were, forgave him and everything became normal. But after that day Jimin also started meeting Cella. And after three month of meeting eachother they started dating. He would always give time to her, taking her out on dates and giving her gifts.

The boys were fine with it at first because Jimin was happy although he was ignoring them and giving most of his time to her but he was happy. But after sometime they started finding Cella weird. They way Jimin always gifted her with expensive thing and how her wishes were growing.

"I like giving her expansive gifts. I want my girl to have everything."  He said but giving expansive gifts was not main problem.

The main problem was Jimin had started skipping their important meeting and deals. He even made them lose consignments of million dollars because of his ignorance and this made them alert. One day they decided to talk to him which led to a huge fight.

"What do you all want to say. That she is a gold digger and attention seeker who is taking me away from you. Seriously I never thought you guys would have such a backward mindset." He shouted.

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