CHAPTER 3: Bangtan Night Club

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"Are you crazy?" Norah shouted getting everyone's attention in cafe. They looked around, to see the customers eyeing two girls standing behind the counter weirdly.

Amora slapped her arm and gestured her to lower her volume.

"Are you crazy or what?" She whispered.

"But that's the only way." Amora whined.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Do you have any other plan?" Amora interjected.

"And do you have any proof that he won't hurt you." She crossed her arms.

"Believe me he won't." She replied.  Norah opened her mouth to say something but she beat her to it.

"Are you in or not?" She pointed her finger.

"No. Never am I going to be in this craziness with you." She rolled her eyes.

"But you promised me you will always be there for me." She pouted and showed her, her puppy eyes.

Norah looked at her and her expression looked like that she was starting to agree so she intensified her 'Puppy eyed, innocent and in need of help' expression.

"Aish. Things I do for this girl." She pushed her fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Thank you. You are the best." She jumped excitedly and hugged her squeezing her soul out of her.

"So now what do we have to do." Norah asked releasing herself from her bone crushing hug and holding on to the jumping ball of fluff in front of her.

"Get ready at 10 tonight. Okay." She replied.

They heard the bell jingle indicating someone had entered the cafe. Seeing few customers have entered Norah ran to take orders while Amora waited to know their order so she can make them.

Today she can't help but smile all day. Although her plan is dangerous and crazy but if it goes as she planned maybe her life can get better.


"Are you sure it's this place?" Norah asked looking at the neon signature 'Bangtan Night Club', sitting inside the car with black tinted glass which was blocking the vision from outside.

"Yeah I'm 100% sure that it's right place." She nodded. "I have spent last whole week doing research on them."

"If you had worked this hard on your studies you wouldn't have to work in a cafe as barista." Norah winced at the slight pain shooting in her arm because of Amora's slap.

"Besides remember I told you about my cousin, who works in police department." Amora said.

"That tall, handsome guy that never stopped flirting with me." Norah interjected, nonchalantly.

"Right. He gave me some information."

"What? How? Why?" Norah shouted making Amora cover her mouth.

"He told you everything without asking any question." Norah whispered.

"Actually we compromised on something." Amora sheepishly said making Norah squint her eyes.

"You will have to go on a date with him." She continued.

"What? No."



"He really likes you. And I know you do too." She smirked.

"Okay. Fine. But I won't call it a date." Norah whined.

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