CHAPTER 15: Old Scars

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"Finally your are awake." The familiar voice made her scoff as she stared directly at the figure standing in front of her with anger and disgust in her eyes.

"I knew you would be behind all of this." Norah spatted.

"Now. Is this what your parents taught you? Oh sorry I forgot you don't have any parents." Mrs Lee chuckled.

"Now tell me where is she?" She took hold of her shoulder staring down at her maniacally.

"As if I will." She scoffed.

"You will honey. You will." She stood straight, crossing her arm.

She motioned the man standing at the corner. He came forward and took out a syringe and injected it in her neck despite her struggle to avoid it. She didn't feel anything happening to her nor was she feeling dizzy.

"The drug will take few minutes to react Ma'am." He said and after bowing his head he went out.

Mrs Lee stood there staring at Norah who was staring back at her. Norah squinted her eyes as she felt a ear piercing screech and then her mind started feeling numb like she was high on something.

"What. What did you do to me?" She said having difficulty to sit straight as her whole body felt numb.

"I gave you something which will make you speak truth. Now tell me where is she?" She asked.

"I. I really don't know." She muttered.

Mrs Lee scoffed. Calling the man inside again she ordered him to give the drug he gave earlier, again.

"But Ma'am." He stopped when he saw her glare at him.

"Sorry but.. but .... we'll have to wait otherwise she... she can die." He stuttered.

She looked at the girl who have probably went into unconsciousness and then glare at the man.

"Do whatever it takes but I want to get everything that this girl knows out of her. Turn her into a drug addict, torture her just do anything. Understand." She shouted looking like a maniac.


It have been a week since Amora has been staying at BTS mansion and she has got along with everyone, escpecially Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin still ignores her when they come across each other while passing through corridors or at the dinner table.

She was standing in front of the window, in her bedroom, looking up at the moon and the cool breeze of winter night was playing with her hair. She was thinking about her life how it used to be and how it would be in the end. The decision of running away was the right decision or not.

She was fully immersed in her thoughts when she looked down at a figure standing in front of swimming pool. Finding it as her only chance she ran down towards the lawn.

The person standing in front of the swimming pool heard the steps that were reaching towards him and he knew very well who those steps belonged to. Without wasting another second he turned around and was about to leave when she called him.

"Jimin. Can we talk? Please."

Jimin looked at her for few seconds and after releasing a sigh, he nodded his head. He sat at the the chair and Amora sat on the chair in front of him. For first few second she fiddled with her hands, arranging the words in her mind.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and talked to you if I wanted to meet Norah. So I'm sorry."

"Good that you've realized your mistake."

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