CHAPTER 8: Meeting

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"I'm sorry hyung." Jimin head was lowered.

"Don't be sorry Jimin. It's not like it will bring him back. She has called us today so we'll have to go there. Let's see what terms we can come up to." Namjoon patted his shoulder assuring him that everything was alright.

It has been about a week since Jimin got stabbed. Namjoon asked him to take rest and he will talk to him once he feels alright. So today rest of boys came to his apartment where he explained everything that happened.

Jimin is very grateful for Namjoon, who never fails to set an example of good leadership. But he also feels guilty that everything got messed up because of him and now Namjoon will had to answer for his action, being the leader.

"How are you feeling hyung?" Jungkook asked, concerned, eyes at the place where he got stabbed.

"It still hurts a bit if I move a lot. But I'm fine. It's not like it's first time something like that happened." Jimin smiled assuringly.

"Do you want to come to mansion with us or want to stay here and pick you up when we leave?" Taehyung asked referring to the meeting.

"I'll stay here. I want sometime alone." Jimin replied.

"Take care of yourself. Okay." Taehyung gave his boxy smile making Jimin chuckle and nod.

Jimin has always being the one who want everything he does to be perfect. And Taehyung knew it very well and he also knew that he feels guilty of failing the task he was assigned.

Jin came out of kitchen, taking of the apron he was wearing after wiping his hands on it and placing it on the counter.

"I have made some dishes for you to eat. Aish I can't believe you were eating only ramen for past days. You could have called me." Jin scolded him only making Jimin to smile sheepishly.

"We should go now and take care of yourself. We will call you before we leave. Okay." Namjoon said concernly before everyone entered the elevator.

Jimin laid back on the couch he was sitting on when his stomach growled asking him to eat something. He stood up and with a groan as the wound still hurts a bit.

"Might as well eat some real food instead of ramen." He sighed making his way to kitchen.

When he entered the kitchen, he found all of his favourite dishes set on the table. He smiled at caring nature of his elder brother. He took his seat and started devouring every thing Jin made for him until he felt full to the brim. After placing all left overs in fridge and dirty dishes in sink he was about to leave when his eyes fell on a diary.

He opened the diary and after turning through the pages he stopped on a certain page. He looked at the sketch of person who he loved but now hates a lot. His eyes which used to be filled with love for them was filled with rage and anger.

"I really hate you. I regret that i was not the one who killed you." Jimin spatted before closing it with a sigh.

He picked it up and put it back to where it was first placed.


She looked at reflection for the last time looking at her outfit. Comfortable and cosy.

"I can't wait to look at that burning expression on her face." Amora smirked.

Today was the day she was going to met her in-laws. In other words the day she was asked to wear an expensive dress but being her adamant and obstinate self she wore a white top with black skirt, black knee length boots. The meet up was at a restaurant but tight dresses always made her suffocate so she decided to wear this.

She got out of her room and grabbed the car keys from key holder. She also grabbed a black coat to wear above her outfit to protect her from cold outside.

Everyone was waiting for her at restaurant as she was forced to take her half day off at cafe. After taking seat in the car she started it bring it to life and made her way to restaurant.

Honestly speaking her plan was not progressing by even a percent. By now she should had everything ready because knowing that woman she will fix the wedding date at the dinner. And speaking about Jimin she had not talked to him after that incident.

Amora sighed once she saw the restaurant in front of her. Getting out of the car she got inside the restaurant. She made her way to the VIP room where everyone was waiting for her. When she entered, the first thing she saw was the frown forming on her step mother face, a feeling of satisfaction filling Amora's heart. She sat on empty seat which was beside her step mother.

"I asked you to buy a dress." She whispered sternly, a forced smile on her face.

"I'm not your puppet." Amora replied throwing a smile at the family sitting in front of her, the smile was only there for a second before it turned into a poker face.

She turned to look at the woman sitting beside her, "Any way I don't like dresses." She whispered monotonously.

Amora looked in front to see a man who looked a few years older than her. He was handsome and good looking with features similar to those of kpop idols. Amora wondered why he was a businessman instead of an idol or actor.

But that should be something she shouldn't be concerned with. It doesn't matter how handsome and good looking he was, she was not going to get married into wedding which was more of a bussiness deal.

"Should we start eating. And let's discuss everything while eating." Her step mother said smiling her sweetest to the ones in front.

Once the food arrived Amora started to eat quietly.
"Your daughter is beautiful Ms. Lee just like you." Miss Kang said making Amora look at her weirdly.

She looked between Ms. Kang and her step mother. She thought she was anything but not like her. She could never be like her. She looked like her mother. Her biological mother, who brought her in this world.

"Just pretend like you are my daughter. They don't know that I'm your step mother."

"Excuse me." Amora excused herself as the sound of fork hitting the plate echoed in the room.

After getting out of the room she inhaled a long deep breath like she was breathing after a long time. She heard the door behind her open and close. She looked back to find her father standing.

"I know it hurts you to listen that she is your biological mother but that's only for your good." He said looking in front.

Amora quickly looked at him in disbeleif, "You knew about it." She asked still baffled.

"How could you let her take place of your wife Dad. My mother." A tear trickled down but she quickly wiped it up.

"Am I burden for you dad?" She asked a question which had been raising in her mind a lot these days. "That you want to get rid off me as quickly as possible."

He looked at her, his eyes softening. He slightly shook his head.

"You are not old enough to think what's good for you Amora. Let her do what's good for you." He sternly said.

"She had brainwashed everyone of you. You don't know what's right or wrong and you are blindly following whatever she says like a puppet." The moment she finished her words a sting travelled at her face.

"I wish you died instead of your mother." His words hurts her more than the slap.

"I wish dad. I wish." She looked at him with a painful smile as tear were now flowing down and she didn't bother to wipe them.

She took fast steps towards the restroom before her father can say anything further and hurt her more than she already was. The moment the door of stall closed behind her she cried her eyes off. Not bothering if someone was listening her or not.

Now only one thing was left to do and if that's the only thing which can take her away from all troubles she was willing to do it no matter what the consequences were.

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