CHAPTER 6: Identity

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"How do girls manage to handle them?" He whined looking at his reflection in the glass of elevator.

Jimin groaned adjusting the blonde wig on his head, the hair extending to the length of his mid waist making it difficult for him to handle them. He covered his head with a snap back making them a bit in place.

He was wearing a blue jeans and pink hoodie with light makeup on his face to make her look more girly. Thanks god the boys didn't ask him to wear any dress or else  his hairy legs wouldn't  have helped him look like a girl.

He is bit shocked by how they managed to make him look like a girl successfully but thinking about the one who might have taught him made him frown. But right now he didn't want to think about that certain someone and further spoil his mood.

The elevator dinged making him alert as he got out of the small space and stalled through the hallways of hotel looking for the room where his target was. Once he found the room he knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal a man, who looked like he was in his late fifties, wearing a white rob.

"He should be playing with his grand children instead of playing with girls." Jimin smirked at his thought.

"Come in what took you so long." The man wispered with smirk.

Jimin entered the room without saying anything as he looked around the room. The girl that was suppose to come here agreed on not coming when offered money. So now Jimin is here in place of that girl and now he has to do everything before things start to happen without getting suspicious.

"Did someone saw you coming?" Jimin shook his head.

"Why are you not speaking? Are you shy? Don't worry you are going to feel good tonight." He was now standing close to him, making Jimin take a few step back. The man looked at him confused but smiled afterward.

"Darling can you pour a glass of wine for me." Jimin smirked making his way towards the table.

He poured wine in glass. After looking around carefully and making sure the man was not looking at him he took out a bottle from the pocket of his hoodie and emptying its content inside the glass.

"What are you doing?" He heard from behind him.

Out of reflex Jimin hit the man in his jaw with his elbow making him fall on ground. The man clutched his jaw with one hand and took the knife in the fruit basket in other hand and charged towards Jimin. Before Jimin can stop him he stabbed him in his abdomen making a pained groan come out of his mouth.

Jimin held his hand making it loose it's hold on the knife. He pulled his hand away, knife still buried in his skin. Jimin took the wine bottle in his other hand and after breaking it by hitting it on the edge of table stabbed him multiple time unless the old man in front of him stopped breathing.

When the realization hit him he cursed under his breath that he had done totally opposite of what he was suppose to do. After taking a look around he decided it was best for him to run before he gets caught.

He limped his way to the emergency stairs knowing that no one will be using them. The knife was still there preventing him from losing lots of blood. His pink hoodie was covered in his and the old man's blood. After, what took him few minutes, he was outside the hotel.

He looked around and sighed in relief after seeing the road empty with a few cars passing by speedily. He got inside the park thinking he can sit somewhere and call one of boys for help because he was in no position of driving. He was limping his way in park to find a place to rest until his vision starts to get blurry. He tripped on his own feet and fell on ground with a thud and a groan following after.


Amora was still seated on the bench enjoying the thought of her mother watching her. She knew it was very late and she should go home but decided on staying for five more minutes. It not like someone will be worrying about her.

She was lost in darkness and loneliness of her mind until a groan brought her out of her thought. Her eyebrows arched as she looked around her, searching for the source of noise.

She stood up and took cautious step until another groan came from behind a bush. She carefully peaked behind it to find a girl lying on ground.

"Oh my god are you okay." She ran towards her and started looking for any injury.

Her eyes fell on her hoodie which was covered in blood and a knife was buried deep in her skin. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands. Panic rushed throughout her body. Calming herself down, she tried to remeber the first aid classes she took in her high school.

She took out her phone with trembling hand and started dialling for ambulance. Before she can press the green button, a hand stopped her.

"Don't call an ambulance." The girl whispered through pain.

"Sorry?" She said dumbfounded.

"Can you drive?" She asked.

Amora nodded still in her dazed state. The girl pushed her hand in her jeans pocket and took out a key and handed it to her.

"Just take me to my apartment." She groaned.

Her voice sounded rough and manly and strangely familiar but she shrugged it away thinking it might be rough because of all the pain she was bearing.

She nodded her head and made her stand on her feet. Amora knew it was dangerous for her to move but still helped her making sure the wound isn't further damaged. With slow and careful step she took her to her car and started the engine. The girl typed her address in navigator and Amora followed the direction as narrated by the automated voice of navigation system.

The girl groaned and took out the phone from her pocket. With her blood covered hand which were exerting pressure on her wound to stop it from bleeding, she dialled the number and placed it near her ear. Amora took few glances of her thinking she looked a bit familiar.

"Jin hyung. Quickly come to my apartment." She said when the call got picked from other side.

Amora looked at her weirdly for calling a boy hyung. She thought don't girls call boys oppa.

"No. I got stab."

"It failed."


"Ok. Bye."

The girl threw the phone at back seat of the car. After fifteen minutes they were standing in front of an apartment complex. Amora eyes were wide opened as she examined the building.

"She might be from a rich family because the apartments here cost fortune." She thought.

"If you are done staring will you help me get out of this car." She groaned making Amora roll her eyes.

She got out of the car and after that opened the door helping her out. She supported her till they reach the elevator of building. She handed her a card and after getting it scanned  the elevator door closed and started ascending. The girl leaned her weight on the wall of elevator taking support of the steel railing. Amora sighed in relief because this girl weighs a lot.

With a ding the elevator doors opened to the view of apartment and the view was enough to make her stand still in her place, eyes and mouth wide open. She felt a hand on her chin pushing it upwards in order to close it. One thought came in Amora's mind that she is savage. Shaking her head she helped her inside the apartment and made her lay down on the couch.

She looked around the apartment which was bigger then her house and Amora's house itself was big according to her. She heard a groan again, pulling her out of her admiring phase. She looked at the girl taking off her snap back and......

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