CHAPTER 23: News

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"An unknown source had claimed  that Lee Aecha, the ex share holder of Kang Enterprises has a daughter to whom she had transferred all of her shares making her 50% share holder of the company and giving her all rights she had on the company. And soon he'll be showing the evidence. This also raises question on Kang Joonwoo who had claimed that Lee Aecha had transferred her shares to him."

The rest of the words went unheard by her as she tried to figure out how did they found about it. She looked at boys who sat there unbothered.

"What's all this guys?" She made her presence known.

"Thank God you are awake." Jungkook stood up and pulled her to sit on the couch.

"We were going to tell you about this." Namjoon started.

"Now everyone knows that those who claim their right on company are not the real owner."

"But what's the need of doing all this?" Amora asked taking everyone by surprise.

"What do you mean by doing all this. This is your right Amora." Yoongi also joined the conversation.

"But I don't want anything." She whined making everyone speechless.

"Just stop whatever you all are doing." She said and went upstairs.


"What's all this Haewon?" Hyuk threw papers at her face that showed the truth of Haewon.

"Listen Honey. Let me explain. It's not what it looks like." She tried to calm him down who was burning with anger.

"You have been fooling me for all those years." He looked at her in disbelief.

"My daughter has been telling me that I shouldn't trust you. You are making us your puppet but I thought she hadn't accepted you as her mother. I slapped her twice just because of you." He pointed at her who just stood there listening to him.

"Get out from my house I don't want to see your face ever again." He shouted and went inside his room.

She fell down in the couch as her mind was trying to figure out the one behind him until a name came in her mind.

"I'll make you regret it Jimin." She clenched her fist.


She wiped her tears as she tried to calm herself down. Everything was happening so fast and unexpectedly. Right now all she could think about was that Haewon won't sit quietly.

She heard the knock on door and then someone opening it. She didn't bothered to look up as she recognize his musky fragrance.

Jimin sat beside her on her bed. He didn't utter a word and all that can be heard were Amora's sniffles.

"I know it's difficult for you to accept everything." He started.

"But just look at this from other point of view. This company is the one for whom your mother had worked day and night to make it reach the height of success. There must be a reason your mother hadn't given everything to Haewon, your older brother or anyone else." He explained.

"But do you think Haewon will sit quietly." She interjected.

"Don't worry. We have everything under control." He tried to calm her.

"We have also sent evidence to your father about the truth of Haewon. And I'm sure those are perfect to make him believe them." He patted her head.

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