CHAPTER 7: Sketch

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Amora looked at the girl as a groan escaped her. The girl took her snap back and threw it on floor. What she did next made Amora bewildered or more precisely he took of the wig muttering something under his breath.

Now she understand the reason behind his familiar manly voice, him calling someone hyung and why he looked familiar because he was none other than Park Jimin.

"Can you close your mouth?I can see everything inside. It's scary." Amora rolled her eyes to extend she felt they will fall off.

The elevator dinged and in came a man with a bag in his hand. Amora thought he might be his Jin hyung. And she remebered his face. He is member of their gang. Jin came and after looking at her brother's state, his eyes wide opened but he composed himself and quickly got to his work. He took out a scissor from the bag and cut his hoodie into half, exposing his chest. Amora quickly looked away as her cheeks flushed.

She can hear groans coming from Jimin which might be due to the stitches so she decided to divert her attention away and started looking around at her apartment. It's not like they will need her help as they must have been in this situation a lot due to the fact that they are a notorious gang.

Maybe it was due to all crying or adrenaline rush few minutes ago but she had started to feel tired and her eyes were feeling heavy. Deciding that resting her eyes for a bit won't do any bad so she sat on sofa in far corner and closed her eyes. Unfortunately she started to feel buzzy and her unconscious self was taking over her.

She was completely into her slumber land when the pull on her shoulder made her jolt up. Her sudden movement made the muscle of her neck ache. She looked up at the person who decided to interfere her sleep still massaging the pain away in her neck.

"You shouldn't be moving." She said turning her head left and right.

"Well you have to if a crazy girl is sleeping on your sofa." Jimin explained one hand holding onto now his patched up and neatly dressed wound.

"But this crazy girl helped you." She retorted.

"You can leave now." Amora rolled her eyes.

"I can take thank you as a gratitude." Amora said sarcastically.

Jimin sighed and went inside the kitchen fetching a water bottle out of fridge. He opened the kitchen cabinet to pull out something from the top most shelf but the pain, every time he stretched himself, made it difficult.

The groans coming from kitchen made Amora curious and she got up only to find him struggling to take out the first aid box from top shelf. Patting on his bare shoulder to get him to move away, Amora stretched herself to take out the box but her small height was not enough to reach even half way. She tip toed but it was of no help. Groaning she jumped few times and in process hit her head at the door of cabinet.

"You won't reach shorty." Jimin pulled at the fabric of her sweatshirt.

Jimin tried but every time hissed at the pain. Taking a deep breath an idea came in her mind and she tapped his arm to ask him to give her some space.

"I have an idea. So please."

Taking support of bottom of the cabinet with one hand and pulling herself up with other hand on the counter, she propped her right knee on the counter followed by left, climbing on it. She extended her arm, which was now able to reach the top shelf, she got the first aid kit and handed it to him.

"From now on instead of calling me shorty, call me smarty." She patted his head, still on her knees over the counter.

Jimin let out confused laugh, looking at the first aid box in his hand. After shaking his head he moved out.

"Hey Mr gangster where are you going? Help me down." She shouted.

"You are smart so help yourself." He shouted back.

"Okay. Fine. Atleast he admitted that I'm smart."

She looked around and was about to come down when something in the cabinet caught her eye.

A leather covered diary was placed on the top most shelf of the cabniet. Extending her hand, which was way more easy that she was now kneeling over the counter, she pulled out the leather covered diary out.

"Who hides a diary in kitchen?" She turned around the diary in order to examine it's exterior.

She sat down on counter with her leg dangling down and jumped down from there. She looked around making sure Jimin was not around. She opened the cover to find first few pages of it blank.

She knew it was not right ethically to invade someone privacy but her curious self got best of her, urging her to turn the page. When she turned the page she realized it was more like a sketch book. First few pages had a doodle of kids playing in play ground, a family with a child in middle of mother and father, which clearly looked like a child had drawn it.

Amora smiled for an unknown reason. Maybe because she had never had those sweet family moments in her life. Next drawing were of some beautiful sceneries and the drawings were gradually developing into professionally drawn sketches instead of doodles drawn by a kid.

Amora arched her brow when a scene was drawn of a boy crying under his bed while a person was killing what looked like his parents which was drawn very perfectly. The scared expression on boy, the pain of victims and sadistic expression of murderer were professionally illustrated.

What took Amora by shock was that next sketches were growning darker on each page. She started to turn the pages quickly. The sketches which started as a boy surrounded by monstrous creatures, crying alone, were gradually growing into horrendous murder scenes. Before she can turn next page the diary was snatched away from her hand.

She looked up to only see Jimin, his body trembling in anger. His pupils were blown out and only emotion that were shown were of complete rage. His jaw clenched and unclenched, his expression so dark that it made Amora take a step back in fright.

"Jimin I."

"Get out." He literally growled.

"I said get out before I turn you into one of them." It took a moment for her to realize that he was referring to the victims in his sketches.

Amora gulped nervously and looked at him, tears filling the edge of her eyes but his expression was not softening a bit. He slammed the diary on counter and the sound of leather colliding with marble in deadly silence made Amora jump in fear.

Jimin took a hold of her arm, making her wince at the tight hold. But he didn't care. All he knew is she tried to open the door to the life, which he had closed and never wanted to open them.

"Jimin. I. I can explain. Will you please let me go. It. It hurts." She trembled in fear and tears fell down her eyes.

Jimin pressed the button and elevator door opened he pushed her inside it almost making her fall face down but she took support of glass wall preventing her from falling.
She looked back at him only to see him breathing heavily.

He pushed his finger through his messed up hair and pointed his finger at her, " Never show me your face ever again because next time I will pull the trigger without even giving a second thought."

After he finished the elevator door closed. With a sigh of relief Amora fell on ground crying her eyes out in fear.

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