CHAPTER 18: Locked

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Taehyung entered the small cafe and looked around in search of a certain face. When he looked at her a wave of guilt washed over him and took heavy steps towards her.

She looked up from the hood of her jacket that was covering her head, her smirk can be seen clearly. After clearing his throat he took a seat infront of her.

"I think you know why I called you to meet here." Taehyung said trying to avoid her gaze.

"I know. And this time you don't have to play love game of yours to get the information out of me." Jennifer spatted.

"Look. About that."

"I don't want to hear anything. I know that's your style of doing your work." She said looking out of the window, while quoting the word 'work' by raising both of her hands in air.

"But I think you should rethink about it because someone can take your love talks seriously." She looked straight in his eyes.

Controlling herself, Jennifer took a deep breath and continued.

"Lets not talk about past. You are here to ask about Lee Haewon (Amora's stepmother) and Lee Aecha (Amora's biological mother). What do you want to know?" She said coming back to her professional tone.

"Everything about them. Anything that you can tell." Taehyung asked impatiently.

Jennifer is from a poor family and works as an information collector. She knows Taehyung from three years ago when she helped him collect information about a business tycoon. Both of them started to have feelings for eachother. But he couldn't let it happen because it would have endangered both of their lives .

He felt guilty about breaking her heart but he had to do it. If not, her life could be in danger and so would be his, if someone knew that she had helped her in getting the information.

Jennifer mother used to work at Kang mansion. She used to stay there with her so she know inside information. When the staff of Kang mansion was changed by Joonwoo (CEO of Kang Enterprises and father of Daeho whom Amora was getting married to), they came on road including other staff members whose only source of income was by working there. Her mother barely made two ends meet.

Whenever she looked at her mother and how she worked day and night she always wanted to give Joonwoo a lesson of his doing. So when she came to know about Taehyung and why he wants to meet her she took this chance, pushing aside the past she had with him and promises of never seeing his face again.

After finding right words to start with she took a deep breath and started saying everything she knew.

"Aecha was daughter of one of bodyguards of Kang Minjoon, who died while saving his life, so he took responsibility of his five years old daughter. He took care of all her expenses and supported her like a father would. To say she was brilliant would be an understatement, she was genius. In just one year of joining the business with Mr Kang she made to company reach the peak of success." The waiter came and served them their coffee.

"Mr Kang was so impressed by her that he made her 50% share holder of his company." Taehyung who was taking his sip of coffee started coughing.

"Are you serious?" He was astonished.

"Yes. I'm telling you she was genius. And she was so sweet and caring too. I remember how she always used to play with me when she had time and we used to have an ice cream date every weekend no matter what." Taehyung looked at her while he raised his eyebrow.

"Since I was only child in mansion at that time I felt alone. But she never thought of me as daughter of a servant keeping in view the position she held. She was an angel." Jennifer eyes shined with tears when she said last sentence.

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