CHAPTER 12: Perosnal Karaoke

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The gates to the mansion opened, welcoming Jimin. He got out of the car and nodded his head to the guard who bowed him and entered the mansion. He can hear the chaos going on inside the moment he entered through door, a smile suddenly appearing on his face.

"Hyung admit it that you cheated." He can hear Jungkook whine.

"No I didn't." Taehyung retorted.

"It's fine Jungkook it's just a game." Jin tried to stop the ongoing bickering.

Jimin entered the lounge to find Jungkook sulking on sofa and Taehyung sitting beside him. He looked on the screen in front and shook his head when seeing a big player 1 loses on it, understanding the reason which caused this bickering.

"Hey guys." Jimin announced making his presence known by three.

"Oh Jimin. You arrived?" Jin said while looking behind Jimin.

"Where is that girl?" Taehyung asked before Jin.

"Apartment." He took a seat beside the sulking boy and patted him on shoulder.

"Hey. You should have stayed with her. What if someone comes there looking for her?" Jin scolded.

"Don't worry hyung. I've made sure that she is save there."Jimin said making himself sit comfortably on the couch.

"But still hyung." Jungkook interjected.

"Ahh. It's just that she annoys me a lot. From the moment I first crossed way with her. So I want to stay away from her." He groaned.

"Well every girl annoys you Jimin." Jin retorted and chuckling afterwards.

"Everyone of them are same. Looking for their own benefit." Jimin mumbled under his breath but still everyone heard him clearly.

His eyes were back to stoic and emotionless which was cue for rest of them to stop teasing him before he become angry. And angry Jimin is someone, they would never want to see.

"Anyways where are rest of the boys?" He asked trying to change the topic.

"Namjoon went with Hoseok. Remember the consignment is arriving today. And Yoongi went to graveyard." Jimin nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Jimin came here so he can buy new clothes for the girl who is walking in his apartment but his mood has changed drastically.

"Tae. I want you to buy some clothes for her." Jimin picked the remote from the table.

"Oh sure I'm free. We can go right now." Taehyung said.

"You. You are going. I just want my clothes back. It annoys me seeing her wear what belongs to me."

Irritation was clear in Jimin's tone as he started pressing the buttons on remote aggresivly. Right now he wants them to talk about anything but that girl. Taehyung sighed taking the remote from his hand. Before Jimin can complaint he was cut by him.

"Maybe she is different."

Jimin jolted up from his seat and ran upstairs without muttering a word. Taehyung looked at the two boys who had the same sad look like him.


Yellow leaves rustled under his footstep. The calming silence was making him feel relax. Once he reached his destination he brushed few leaves away from the stone taking a seat on it after wards.

"Hey. Long time." He placed the bouquet of red tulips on the grave.

Her favourite.

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