CHAPTER 9: Mind vs Heart

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"Finally. My boys are here." Mrs Kim open heartedly invited BTS into the VIP room booked in restaurant, taking everyone by shock. The woman whose husband died just about a week ago smiling so brightly is not a common scene.

Rest of them looked at Namjoon if he can explain the change in mood but he was equally baffled as them. Smiling a little, Namjoon was first to take the seat followed by others. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm sorry but we failed to do what you....." Namjoon was cut mid sentence by her.

"I know. I asked you to kidnap him but instead you ended up killing him." She stared at the leader sitting in front of her.
But the serious face quickly turned into a smile, "But the sympathy I'm getting from people is way more better than I've taught. So you are forgiven."Namjoon sighed in relief.

"She is crazy hyung." Jimin whispered to Yoongi. Yoongi shushed him by placing his finger on his lips.

They talked about some bussiness, mostly Namjoon, as they ate the meal. But throughout the dinner Mrs Kim kept on looking at Jimin which he found weird and the smirk she gave him made him think what was going on in her mind.

"Excuse me." Feeling uncomfortable he excused himself and went out.

"That woman is surely up to something." Jimin whispered when he was out of the room.

He put his hand in his pocket and walked down the hall. He abruptly stopped in his track and moved back when he saw a familiar face in front of him.

"What is she doing here?" He peaked from behind the wall at Amora.

He stood there for few second and was about to go back when he stopped in his track.

"I know it hurts you to listen that she is your biological mother but that's only for your good." He knew he shouldn't listen to it as it was nothing of his concern but something inside him stopped him from moving further.

"You knew about it." Although he can't see her he can hear the hurt in her voice.

"How could you let her take place of your wife Dad. My mother."He peaked to see a tear trickled down her face.
During all his encounters with her get scared or crazy but it was first time he saw her cry and hurt.

"Am I burden for you dad."

"That you want to get rid of me as quickly as possible."

"You are not old enough to think what's good for you Amora. Let her do what's good for you."

"She had brainwashed everyone of you. You don't know what's right or wrong and you are blindly following whatever she says like a puppet." Jimin hands clutched unconsciously when he witnessed everything.

"I wish you died instead of your mother."

"I wish dad. I wish." After that he saw her run towards the restroom.

He was about to follow her but stopped midway. He shouldn't be going after her. After all she is nothing to her and she only think of him as a criminal. He shouldn't let a girl become his weakness again. He shook his hand and made his way back to the room.

He inhaled deeply, pinched his nose and with a groan, turned back. He stalled through the hallway where restroom were located and stopped outside girls bathroom. He stood outside the bathroom hearing Amora's cry that can be heard even standing outside. He stood there until her cries subsided.


"That's it. I'm going to talk to him and ask him if he is going to help me or not for the last time." Amora hit her hand on table but winced when hit it hardly.

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