CHAPTER 19: Words Hurt

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Jimin was staring into Amora's eyes and she was completely turned into a blushing mess when they heard the door behind them open.

"Wow. Wow. Take it easy guys." Jungkook said making both of them move away from each other.

It took few seconds to get themselves normal and then they looked up and both of them felt a wave of anger wash over them.

Three of them looked at their expression as their brain gave them a red signal.

"Run bud." Taehyung said and ran outside along with Jungkook with Jimin hot on their trail.

"Both of you are dead meat." He shouted.

Now Amora and Norah was left who had gotten free from using crutches today.

"Look let me explain." Norah said but ran when she found Amora coming towards her.

"I'm gonna break those legs again."


She was running down stairs not caring about the doctors advise which clearly said avoid running for a week. Norah looked back to see if Amora was coming behind her but collided with something hard making her see stars.

When she came in her senses she felt warmth and a familiar smell of cologne surrounding her.

"As long as I remeber you are not allowed to run." Namjoon said looking down at her.

She quickly got out of his grip but the quick movement made her head dizzy.

"God. What are you made of? Steel." Norah rubbed her head.

Namjoon chuckled taking Norah by surprise. It was first time he laughed infront of her taking her by surprise.

"Why were you running?" He asked smiling.

Norah looked at him for few seconds. He was not only smiling but was also not giving a lecture on why she shouldn't be running. She tried to touch his forehead making him move few steps back.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking suspiciously at her.

"Trying to check if you have a fever." She said and raised her hands and this time he let her do so, feeling the soft touch of her hand.

"You don't have fever. Then why are you all happy and not giving me two thousand words lecture." Namjoon found her cute when she looked at him all confused.

"Why? Do you think I'm heartless?" He said leaning down at her level.

"Well you should be after all you are a mob. Someone who takes life is heartless." Although she whispered the last part it was still heard clearly by Namjoon and it was enough to make the smile disappear.

"Yeah. You are right. I'm heartless so if I see you running around I'll make sure you don't have legs to even walk." He said sternly.

He voice contained so much coldness that it made Norah took Norah by surprise making her move few steps back.

"Go to your room." He ordered  and it seemed like Norah was waiting for these words to come out of his mouth that she started running upstairs.

"I said no running." He shouted but didn't look back at her.

He knew she stopped running. Once she disappeared he took a deep breath pulled his hair back. His eyes clearly showing how much her words hurt him.

"I do feels emotion Norah. I am not heartless. Apart from boys and Amora, my hearts feels soft for you. I feel like I'm not heartless, I have a heart which beats crazily whenever I see you." He thought.

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