CHAPTER 16: Marry me

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Jimin moved first, his gun up and asked Amora to turn the lights on. Once the light were on both of them stood there, their eyes went wide open.

Everything was turned upside down. The furniture and frames were broken into pieces. And in the centre of the lounge laid a girl completely covered in her own blood.

Amora took small steps towards the girl, her whole body was shivering. With shaky and cold hands she turned the girl around and let out a scream.

"Norah. Wake up. Please don't leave me. You know I've no-one other than you. Please please open your eyes Norah." She was crying hysterically.

Jimin first stood there shocked but than made himself normal. He looked around cautiously making sure nobody else was there and then moved towards Norah and checked her pulse.

"She is alive Amora. We have to take her to hospital." He tried to relief her.

Amora quickly wiped her tears and nodded her head
She had to gather herself for her friend and crying won't help.

Both of them were about to stand up when they heard bullets being fired. Jimin quickly pulled her down to lay on the floor with himself. He placed her head on his chest and wrapped his arms around it.

"I knew there was going to be a trap set for us." Jimin muttered under his breath which could not be heard by Amora because of all the firing.

For few minutes there was firing going on and after that it stopped. Jimin tight embrace around Amora loosened and she looked up at Jimin.

Jimin looked at her tear covered face and then in her red, swollen eyes from which the tears still flowed. Few hiccups escaped her mouth and her condition stung his heart.

The rattling of doorknob brought their attention towards the door and then they heard the door open. The couch was hiding the view from both side.

"Are we going to die?" Amora whispered, fear evident in her eyes.

Jimin pushed her lightly from above her and stood up. Both of them were now able to see the one that entered.

"Yoongi. Namjoon" Amora muttered while looking at both of them.


Namjoon and Yoongi immediately took Norah for medical assistance. They could not take her to a hospital as it would be dangerous so they took her to mansion where she will get treated by their personal doctor.

Amora and Jimin were about to leave Norah's house when Jimin covered Amora's eyes with his hands. Her hands that were about to open the front door, stopped mid air.

"W...what are you doing Jimin?" She stuttured.

"Just don't open your eyes." He said and opened the front door.

He was guiding her towards the car and sighed when he saw the scene that Yoongi created outside.

"Thank God her eyes are covered." He muttered under his breath.

Amora heard the car door opening and Jimin helped her to sit on the front seat. Jimin was standing in front of her blocking the scene. She moved her head a bit forward to see outside when Jimin took hold of her and moved her face to look straight outside from the front window.

"Don't you dare move your head girl." Jimin voice became darker.

Jimin closed the door and was moving around the car to get to driver seat when Amora took the chance and turned her head around a bit. And the scene made her breath stuck.

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