CHAPTER 21: Bored

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The knock on door made him look up through the steel rimmed round glasses he was wearing. He looked at the clock which clearly showed that it was 1am. He wondered who could be there at this time.

"Yes." Namjoon's hoarse voice broke the silence in room.

The door opened and Norah peaked in through the small gap. Namjoon brow furrowed as he continued what he was doing before though now it was being difficult for him to focus on it.

Norah closed the door behind her and stood there silently. She fiddled with her hands, trying to come up with words. The ignorance from Namjoon was also not helping her. Taking a deep breath she said the words she came her to say.

"I'm sorry." She said and looked up at Namjoon who was still busy in looking at file in his hand.

"If you're done then you can leave." He said monotonously.

"Namjoon I..."

"I said leave before I lose my control." His voice boomed in room and Norah ran out of the room.

His stare alone was enough to make her intimidated by him and now his anger made her feel like her soul will leave her body any moment. She had never seen him this angry.

Namjoon let out a deep breath and fell back on the couch, a wave of guilt slowly washing over him. He threw everything that was on the table in frustration.

Kim Namjoon, the leader of BTS, the master mind who always stayed calm and collected in worst situation, who had complete control on himself, had lost his control just because of a girl who now has an important place in his heart.


The darkness surrounded the whole mansion which clearly showed that everyone was asleep. Two men jumped in through a window, the dogs and guard probably unconscious and won't wake up till morning.

One of them entered the room which looked like an office and looked through the cabinet in search of the desired thing. Other was busy in bugging the mansion with micro chips and camera.

After thirty minutes both of them were done and got out of the mansion just like they came and got in the car taking their seats.

"We are done turn back the cameras on." One of them said in the earpiece attached to his ear.


Amora was walking through the hallway when she saw Jin coming out of his room completely immersed in typing on the mobile phone.

"Hey Jin have you seen Jimin somewhere?" Amora asked him, making him jump slightly.

Although he tried to come out alright but Amora noticed that jump and it was difficult for her to contain her laughter.

"What's so funny?" Jin asked his face becoming red.

"Sorry. Have you seen Jimin?" She tried to control herself.

"I don't know I haven't seen him from this morning. But why are you looking for him." He asked.

She took a breath and started ranting.

"I know I was the one who asked him to kidnap me but now my stepmother knows that I'm with him so why is he keeping me here. It's been months I've seen the outside world."

"Look Amora." Jin said.

"Listen Jin." She raised her hand to stop him from speaking further.

"I know I annoy him but I'm trying to understand him and be friends with him. But he is the most hard to understand."


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