CHAPTER 13: Almost Caught

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"Hyung. As you said I've found a lot of weird things about her." Jungkook said while typing on his laptop fastly.

"According to government database she is daughter of a small businessman but the company got bankrupt when her father died. And there was nothing wrong with the information but on  further decrypting the codes I found that the information was entered about 21 years ago. Right when Amora's mother died." Jungkook stated.

"So that means the data was manipulated. And after a day of continuous hacking and hard work I was able to find who she really is." Jungkook became all cocky making Jimin and Taehyung roll their eyes.

"She is the only daughter and heiress of Kang Enterprises." Jimin eyes were wide open while Taehyung, who had already heard it from Jungkook showed no reaction.

"The leading bussiness of South Korea." Jimin was baffled.

"Yeah and top 50 leading business of world." Taehyung interjected.

"Maybe she fell in love with Amora's father and he was nothing compared to them so her family disowned her." Jimin tried to make sense after coming out of daze.

"Dont know. That's all I can find hyung. I asked Taehyungie hyung to investigate further." Jungkook shrugged.

(Okay but don't you find it cute when Jungkook calls Taehyung Taehyungie hyung. I just go all uwu and just want to squish his cute little and  sksjsjssksks..... Okay continue)

"I did ask a staff member. He told me that Mr Kang died 21 years ago and after that all staff was replaced with new ones. And the staff who are working now don't know anything about her. I managed to get contact information of one of old chef. I'll meet him tomorrow maybe he'll be able to tell me something." Jimin nodded his head.

"And." Taehyung continued making Jimin look at him.

"And you know what's most interesting.... The guy Amora was getting married to, is son of CEO of Kang Enterprises aka cousin of Mrs Lee." Taehyung smirked at shocked face of Jungkook and Jimin.

"Its getting really weird." Jimin mumbled.

Jungkook who was still in his baffled state was brought out of his daze when there was beeping sound coming from his laptop. After seeing it he turned his laptop screen towards Jimin who dashed out of mansion the moment he saw the screen.

"Take care of it Jungkook." He said before running out.


Amora slammed the remote on the coffee table getting annoyed when she can't find a way to entertain herself. After skipping through the channel, showing either cheesy drama or news about BTS , there was nothing she can find.

At first everything was right. She felt like a free bird, although the space was limited to this apartment, but she was fine. But now she felt like she escaped one prison to be kept in another. Jimin would visit rarely and Amora was dying to go outside.

Her eyes travelled towards the phone laying on coffee table beside the remote. An idea popping into her mind but she quickly shook her head.

"He told me I can't talk to her for now." She muttered.

"But it's not like he would know." She argued with herself and picked the phone.

She dialed the only contact which she knew by heart. After few seconds the person on other side picked up the call.

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