CHAPTER 30:Jungkook Special (2)

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"You are all over news. Your are share holder of one of the biggest companies of Korea and you own one of the famous hospital. Even they know that you are gangster you can just get any girl by just looking at her. Someone better then me who has everything that can meet your status." She explained and without waiting for his reply went in her room.

Jungkook sat in silence for few minutes, his mind processing her words. But then those confused eyes turned into bloodshot as anger ran through his body. He got up and went in to the room were Bella disappeared.

Hearing the door open, Bella looked at the direction to see Jungkook enter. His bloodshot red eyes and clenched jaws rung a bell of danger in her head. With every slow step of his towards her, Bella took a step back. After taking few steps back Bella felt the sofa came in her way and before she can balance herself she fell back on the sofa.

Jungkook came towards her and hovered above her. Bella tried to push him back but he took hold of her hand and pinned them behind her.

"Two year may seem like a small time but I know how I've spent every second in pain. The only thought of you being alone was making me go crazy for you. Although it seemed like I stopped looking for you but deep down I wished that one day you'll come out of nowhere and tell me that this time was torturous for you as it was for me. I told everyone that I stopped loving you but in reality I could never stop myself from loving you." A tear slipped from Bella's eyes due to the pain from his hold.

Jungkook realizing his mistake left her hands. She tried to push him away because right now she felt like her heart will come out of her chest any moment. Jungkook sat beside her and took hold of her arms. He lifted her up and made her sit on his lap.

At first, Bella tried to resist him but  he placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. The tears that were waiting to fall, travelled down his face. He inhaled her sweet citrus fragrance as if he was trying to make himself believe that she was here, in his arms. The only thought in his mind was that he is never letting her go again.

"Jungkook." Bella whispered to break the silence.

Jungkook opened his eyes which were red and puffy and looked into hers which were no different. He pulled her close to him self.

"This heart never listens to me Bella. Whenever I stop it from loving you it goes  against my will and loves you unconditionally. It doesn't matter to me who you are. I just know your are my Bella and I love you so much that now if you stay away from me I think I'll go crazy."

"But Jungko...." She tried to interject.

"You said I can get any girl I want. Right?" He raised his eyebrows moving his face a bit away from her.

"Then I want you. Because I don't think I'll be able to love and spend a happy life with someone else. You know boys says that Bella had taken your smile with her, please return me my smile back." He said with a pout make her laugh.

Jungkook looked at her in trance thinking how much he missed this smile of hers. And while looking at her he can't help but smile that bunny smile of his. Bella seeing his gaze fixated at herself looked down as she drew patterns on his chest with her finger.

"I love you Jungkook." She whispered looking down.

"Just say it again while looking in my eyes." He said making her look up at him.

His stare which were full of love made heat rush to her cheeks as she looked back down. Jungkook held her face in his hand. He pulled her face near himself and made her look at him.

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