CHAPTER 17: I'll Marry Her

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He was sound asleep, the black duvet covering his body and keeping him warm. He squirmed slowly coming out of his sleep because of the knock on the door. He got up rubbing his eyes and opened the door. He looked at the person standing infront of him, not expecting her to be there.

"What are you doing here at this time?" He asked looking back at the clock hanging on wall showing it was 2 o'clock in morning.

"I need your help." He looked at her for few second then moved aside to let her in.

"What do you want now?" He said looking at her suspiciously but also making himself ready to be asked to be helped with something weird.

"Can you marry me? Please." His eyes widened in surprise.

He was totally not prepared for this. If she would have asked him to die he won't have been surprised but this-it was totally unexpected.

"Are you in your right mind Amora?" He can't help but raise his voice because of shock and anger.

"Please Jimin just try to listen to me. I'll explain..."

"No. I won't." He cut her mid sentence.

"Look. Everything that's happening is because of my marriage. If I get married to someone else it won't be a problem. She won't force me to marry her friend's son. You can divorce me once everything is alright. I'll get away from your life like I wasn't there." She explained.

"Okay. Let's suppose I marry you. What would you do if she forces me to divorce you. Or she could even kill me. No Amora. I once listened to your stupid request I won't do it again." He said sternly.

"She won't. You are someone who can fight her Jimin. Please." She got down on her knees and placed her hand together infront of him.

"Please. Jimin. Norah got hurt because of me. She doesn't tell me but I've know she has nightmares. I... It hurts me to she her flinch at the slightest noise she hears. I can't talk to her. Heck I can't even look in her eyes. I feel so guilty that I feel like I can die any moment. Please Jimin. Please help me. Please save me." She was crying hysterically her face was covered with tears.

It really hurt Jimin seeing her like this. His anger turned into concern in just few second. He got on his knees and took her face in his hands and wiped her tears which were flowing nonstop.

"Amora. Marriage is not a game, it's something pure. Please believe me I'll find a way." He said softly like he was trying to explain a child.

"No Jimin. I've thought a lot about it. There is no other way. Please." Amora shook her head.

"Let's sleep for now. And we'll talk about this in morning. I'll ask others for help too. Hmmm. Well find a way Amora." He said tucking her hair behind her ear.

Amora nodded her head and got up. Jimin followed her to her room and came back to his once he made sure that she has fallen asleep. By the time he came to his room it was already six. It was already to late to sleep and anyways he won't be a be to sleep because of Amora.

He decided to take a long bath to calm his nerves and then went out to talk about this with others.


"What?" Thay all said in unison.

"Are you serious?" Taehyung asked.

"Do I look like I'll joke about something like this." Jimin replied monotonously.

"So what'll you do hyung. Because she is right. We don't have anything with which we can even blackmail her."

"That's why I've all of you here. Please help me find a way." Jimin whined.

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