CHAPTER 25: Make him jealous

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"Come on its an offer no-one will reject. I'll pay you the prize you want." He tries to convince her.

"I told you I'm not interested." She sighed.

"Is it because of that boy? Taehyung?" Jennifer stopped in her track.

She herself don't know why she was rejecting Black Star's offer because it was an offer that can change her life. Was it really because of Taehyung?

She was about to answer but before that someone snatched the phone from her hand. She gasped and turned around only to hit her head with the person's chest.

"Don't you get it that she doesn't want to work for you." She doesn't even have to look up to see who was that person. She can still recognize his smell and warmth.

With that said Taehyung cut the line not even listening what the other person had to say. He looked down at Jennifer who looked up at him but then looked away, not bringing herself to stare at his eyes.

"Are you following me?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Just following my dreams." He shrugged.

"That had become old Taehyung." She can't help but roll her eyes.

"What brings you here?" She started walking with him following her.

"We have arranged a party with few of our allies. So I thought would you like to go with me." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ok." She nodded her head.

"What? Really. Like you will go with me." He pointed at himself, shocked.

"Yeah. Sure." She smiled looking at the excited Taehyung infront of her.

"Ok. I'll pick you up at 8pm tomorrow because it will take an hour to reach there." He explained to which she just nodded.

After Jennifer went inside her home she looked throw the window at Taehyung's back, who shouted a yes and threw a fist in air while jumping.

"Who would say he's a mob?" She muttered.

Shaking her head she closed the blind and went to bed thinking about what she'll wear for tomorrow.


"It's beautiful. Jimin's choice is amazing." Norah looked at the navy blue dress.

"Yeah. I know." Amora smiled, who was busy in finding a perfect jewelry to wear with the dress.

"Is Namjoon still not talking with you?" The frown on Norah's face at her question was enough to answer her question.

"Don't worry. Just give him sometime." Amora patted her shoulder.

"It's alright. It's not like we are in relationship or something." She assured her but it was more like she was assuring herself.

"Anyways I think I should go. I still have to decide a dress." Norah said and left the room without listening to Amora.

"But if Namjoon didn't ask her then who is taking her to the party." She thought but then shrugged her shoulder and went back to choosing the jewelry.

Norah had been waiting for Namjoon to ask her to the party as everyone had to bring a partner with themselves to the party.  But as expected he completely ignored her. She was still thinking about him while walking in garden when she collided with someone and fell on the floor. She looked up at the one who caused all of this.

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