CHAPTER 20: She is my wife

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Jimin was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling, the smile not leaving his face. He felt all bubbly for no reason and he can't get a certain face out of his mind.

"Why are you making me feel these feelings Amora? I don't want to get hurt again but still I'm trusting you. So never betray me like she did Amora." He thought as he tried to get himself to sleep.


Amora woke up and got ready to go downstairs. She hasn't  been able to sleep properly because of what Jimin said last night. Although Jimin had reassured her that he'll be there with her and won't let Haewon hurt her but still she felt afraid of what she'll do.

When she sat on table to have breakfast everyone can see her nervousness and everyone tried to cheer her up. Jimin who was sitting beside her saw her fiddling hands in her lap so he took hold of her hand and gave it an assuring squeeze.

"I won't let her hurt you Amora. Trust me." He said and the sincerity in his voice made her feel a bit at ease.

"Yeah Amora. Trust your husband." Jungkook, who was sitting beside Jimin said, emphasising on word husband.

Jimin looked at him and smirked and after that a groan came out of Jungkook's mouth who got hit on his foot by Jimin.

"My poor foot." He groaned.

"Seriously can't you all sit quietly for a minute." Namjoon said making everyone quiet.

"Why are you all angsty from yesterday?" Jin asked him who was getting frustrated by Namjoon, who was the calmer of them all, getting irritated and angry from little things from yesterday.

"Well as I kill people so I should be heartless." Namjoon said clearly mocking Norah.

Norah coughed and looked at him who was eating his breakfast like it was the most important thing to do right now. She was already feeling guilty for her words. And Namjoon, who never left her alone, completely ignoring her was not making her feel any better.

Before Jin can ask him further the shout from lounge made everyone alert. Amora's grip on Jimin's hand, which he was still holding, tightened.

"Relax." He whispered as he saw Haewon enter the dining room followed by Hyuk and police officers.

"See. I told you they kidnapped her. Now arrest them and give them worst punishments ever." She shouted as everyone sat there.

She moved forward to get Amora but stopped when she saw Norah sitting there and what was making her more worried was their expression. Everyone was looking calm.

As planned Namjoon stood up and talked to the officer who explained him that Haewon thinks that they have kidnapped Amora from her wedding. Before Namjoon can say anything Haewon moved forward and took  hold of Amora's hand and dragged her with herself.

She just took a step when she was forced to stop. She looked back to see Jimin holding other hand of Amora. Haewon grip lighten on Amora's hand and Amora took her hand out of her grip. Jimin pulled her behind him.

He folded his arms on his chest and stared at Haewon, a smirk plastered on his face. His challenging expression was enough to make her feel like something was wrong.

"Can I ask you where are you taking my wife?" He raised his eyebrows.

Haewon felt like mountain fell on her. She was about to fall but Hyuk took hold of her.

"What?" She whispered which, Jimin heard clearly.

"I said she is my wife and you can't take her anywhere without my permission." He said emphasizing on every word.

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