CHAPTER 29: Jungkook Special

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One year later:

Everyone was in hospital because today Amora gave birth to a baby boy. When Jimin carried his son he cried like a baby and the rest of boys made fun of him.

Their son was cute. He stole every feature from his father except for his eyes which were like his mother. The boys took their time to admire and have their time with baby boy and Jungkook was last to leave. More like he was kicked out by Jimin because he wanted to have someone time with his son and wife.

"Isn't he cute?" Amora said looking down at her son.

She was expecting an answer from Jimin and when she didn't got one she looked up to see him looking at her with his eyes filled with love and admiration.

"What are you looking at?" She asked smiling.

"My beautiful family." He pecked her forehead.

"Our beautiful family." Amora smiled and looked down at their son and Jimin's hands stroking his small chubby cheeks.


Jungkook was typing on his phone, smiling genuinely after along time. After not being able to find Bella, Jungkook changed alot. That mischievous bunny whose laughters and pranks filled the air of the mansion suddenly became silent. And the most worried about him was Jimin because he himself had experienced something like this and knew the pain.

Everyone tried to find that girl who disappeared with their maknae smile but to no vain. And when Jungkook found out about them looking for her he stopped them.

But today seeing that little bundle of joy really made him happy after a long time, his mind running around ways to spoil the first child to be born in Bangtan mansion. He was driving his car when he saw a toy store and stopped infront of it.

After buying almost half of the store for the baby he got out and placed the bags in car. He was busy placing all bags when he heard a feminine shout. He left everything there not even caring about the opened car door and ran towards the source of voice as moments from past ran through his mind.

When he got at the scene he saw an old lady being mugged by two boys around their twenties. Without giving a single thought he ran towards the boy with knife and threw a punch making him fall. In process the knife made a small cut on his arms but he completely ignored it. The other boy who was about to attack him stopped when he saw him.

The boy recognized Jungkook. Obviously that man had been over the news and his red blood shot eyes were enough to warn him that he'll be dead before making his next move. So without saying anything the boy ran towards his partner and helped him get up and ran away.

"Are you alright?" He asked the lady, handing her the bag.

"Thank you child." She looked at him and her eyes shone with recognition.

Her expression didn't get unnoticed by Jungkook but he let it pass by thinking she might have seen him on TV. Jungkook was about to leave when she took hold of his jacket making him stop.

"You're hurt. I live near by and my daughter is a doctor. She'll treat your wound." She pointed at his arm.

"No. It's fine." He shrugged after glancing at his wound.

"Son. Think of it as my gratitude and it won't be save for an old woman like me to be alone this late at night." She said politely.

Jungkook nodded his head as what she was saying was right. He himself didn't felt at ease for letting her go back alone. He opened the door of his car to sit and started driving at her directions.

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