CHAPTER 2: Make a wish

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The sunlight peaking from the window fell on Amora's face making her groan and squirm. But sunlight was not the only thing which was interfering her beauty sleep, the constant light knock and calls of her name also irritated her.

She sat up eyes still closed and hair disheveled. She rubbed her eyes off sleep and looked at the door. She stood up and winced at the cold floor beneath her feet.

"Coming." She sighed when the knock subsided.

She stood up and after giving her hair a bit of neat and tidy look she opened the door to find her elder brother standing in front.

"Oppa. Do you want anything?" She asked, voice hoarse because of just waking up.

He laughed looking at her sleepy form finding his sister cute and adorable. He ruffled her hair making her groan.

"Mom is calling you. She said it's something important." He said.

"She is not my mother." She scoffed looking away from him.

"Hey don't say it like this. She really take care of us." He said making her face him.

'Take care of you because you do whatever she says.' She scoffed at her thought.

"Okay I will come." She replied knowing that woman calling her means something bad for her.

"Good and please tidy yourself up." He patted her head and went downstairs.

She went inside bathroom and after doing her morning routine she got changed into decent clothes. After a final check she went downstairs where everyone was seated, waiting for her.

"Look my sweet daughter Amora is here." She scoffed at her stepmother's high pitched voice.

She sat down and greeted everyone except for the woman she loathed wholeheartedly. Her father glared at her but Amora decided to ignore it being her stubborn self. Everyone was quiet, only sound that could be heard was clattering of fork and plate.

"Dear, we wanted to talk to you about something." Amora rolled her eyes at fake sweetness in that woman's voice.

She looked up for her to continue knowing whenever she spoke it meant bad luck for her. Her step mother placed the fork on plate and crossed her arms on table.

"I know it might shock you but we have arranged a marriage for you. He is very nice guy and has also agreed on helping our company with loans." She said like it was as normal as talking about weather.

Amora stopped, her hand holding fork suspended in air. It took her a minute to come out of her dazed form and register what came out of her step mother's mouth. What does she means by 'We have arranged'. None of them even thought of considering her opinion.

She slammed the fork on plate quiet forcefully, a crack appearing on plate. She was burning with anger. That woman had crossed her line. With does she think she is? Her puppet that she can control however she wants.

"Who are you to decide that? My mother?" Amora scowled.

"Amora. Is this what I taught you?" Her father raised his voice. It was first time he ever raised his voice at her.

"Let me ask you this Dad. Were you ever there to teach me anything?" A tear trickled down her face.

"Amora. Calm down." Her brother whispered.

"Calm down. How do you think I can calm down? I can't believe my own father and brother are not standing on my side but on some bitc..." Before she can finish her sentence she felt a sting on her left cheek.

She looked up at her father who was now trembling with anger. Without saying any word she ran upstairs to her room. Once she was in her room she broke into sobs and cried her heart out.

At this point she doesn't know what was the reason for her cries. She was letting everything out that she had held inside for years. How she missed having a motherly figure, how she never got love from her father and brother even though they were there or how that woman had made her life a living hell. She took this as her only chance to cry her heart out.

On other side of door his father stood his own heart clutching in pain hearing his only princess crying in pain. He tried his best to make her happy but looks like today he failed. He failed in making her daughter happy and broke the promise he made to her mother years ago, before she died.

He stood there all time listening to her heart wrenching sobs until they subsided with her hicupps. He knocked at door and he entered after hearing few shuffling and a light 'Come in'.

She was lying in a fetus position, duvet covering her. Her body was shaking from light sobs, although she was trying her best to control them. He sat beside her and started patting her hair. A tear stream down her face because that's the only and most affectionate  gesture he had done towards her.

"You were two when your mother passed and I had made a promise to her that I will take care of you the most. So to make you happy I started working day and night to provide you with anything you want. But I forgot that at that time you needed my love more than worldly things. And I'm really sorry I wasn't there." A sob escaped her mouth and she quickly covered her mouth.

"And now I want you to be happy. And I think he can make you happy. He is kind and caring." Amora sat up her red and puffy eyes looking at him.

"You think I will be happy with a stranger. I don't know him." She interjected.

"That's why I want you to meet him. Spend time with him and I am sure you will like him." He tried to explain.

"Dad why don't you understand. In my eyes this marriage would be nothing but a business deal between him and your wife." She whined.

"Look dear." Before he can explain anything she cut him mid sentence.

"If you only came here to convince me then I would suggest you to go."

She laid back in her previous position and covered herself with blanket. She sighed once she heard the door close.  She thought he came here to comfort her and tell her he is there for her.

"How throughout our lives we are told to stay away from strangers and one day we are asked to spend our life with them." She chuckled sarcastically.

She just wanted someone to comfort her and she knew one person who can do that. She quickly picked up her phone wiping any stray tears on her face and dialled Norah's number.

After two rings she picked the call. On hearing her voice she started crying and let everything out. And Norah did gave what Amora needed most. Comfort. That's what she had always done when ever she was having a hard time. Maybe that was the reason that Norah was only person that held a special place in Amora's life that even her family didn't.

They both talked for hours about her problem until Norah shouted.

"Amora did you see shooting star and it's even 11:11 quickly make a wish." She can imagine her jumping all excitedly.

She didn't believed in such things but something in her urged her to do it. So following her heart she closed her eyes and made a wish.

"I wish to get free from this prison."


"Hyung a shooting star. Quick make a wish."

He looked at the sky and closed his eyes and asked for first thing that came in mind.

"I wish that I can escape this prison."

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