CHAPTER 22: I want this marriage to work

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The wind was playing with her hair making them fly in different direction. She breathed in the air, her arm stretched out.

"I've never felt this free before Jimin." She shouted.

"Thank you Jimin." She took her seat and looked at Jimin who was driving, a smile adoring his face.

"You weren't even this happy when I took you to meet Norah." He laughed.

"Yeah because at that time I was afraid of Haewon finding me out. But now I'm not afraid of her because I've got you beside me." The last sentence made Jimin heart miss a beat and his smile grew wider.

He looked at Amora who was busy looking outside the window her hair dancing with air.

"By the way where are we going." She asked curiously.

"It's a secret." Jimin winked making Amora pout.

"Just see when we reach there. We are almost there."

The car was moving smoothly on straight road, the trees surrounding them. After few minutes of driving on the road Jimin got the car of the road and into the woods. No-one would have imagined there was this small path which goes deep inside the woods.

"Jimin Where are we going?" She asked a bit scared.

"Don't worry. I won't murder you and bury your body here." Jimin joked making her feel bit at ease.

After few minutes of driving the car stopped and Jimin stepped out. He went to Amora's side and opened her door to make her come outside. After that he went to the back of car and took out a basket.

"From here on we'll have to walk." He took hold of her hand and started walking.

After walking for five minutes they reached their destination and Amora stopped in her steps, her eyes wide open.

"Beautiful." She muttered.

There was clearing with a small waterfall falling into the lake. The swans were swimming in it. Butterflies were flying around from one flower to another. There was a small wooden bridge that led to a gazebo in the center of lake. The gazebo was decorated with fairy lights and white curtain. The clouds in sky and cool breeze made everything more beautiful.

"How did you find this place Jimin?" She asked still in trance of the place.

"One of our safe house is here in the woods. We were staying in the safe house and during that time I took a walk in woods. After a hour of walking here and there I came to this place. After that this has became my secret spot." He explained.

"No-one knows about this place. Not even boys. And." Then he moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her towards himself.

"Now that I've brought you here, it better stays between us. Understood." He raised his eyebrows.

Amora quickly nodded her head.

"Good girl." He patted her head and pecked her forehead taking Amora completely by surprise.

He then moved away and started placing blanket on the grass and taking the food out of basket like he did nothing while Amora was completely frozen in her place.

"Are you going to stand there all day." He asked making her come out of her daze.

She walked forward and sat down on blanket beside him.


Both of them took their seats while the person infront smirked.

"Look who we have here. Kim Taehyung." He raised his eyebrows.

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