CHAPTER 10: Last Try

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Today it looked like luck was on her side as she had smartly followed him managing to hid herself well because of the crowd. She muttered a yes of victory as she was unable to hold her excitement and she is going to blame the coffee she had drank because of nervousness this morning.

Amora thought maybe she would try her luck and wait outside the Bangtan Night Club thinking maybe Jimin will show up. And luck was her friend for today as she saw him come out of the club. Although his face was covered she can still recognize silver lock, their colour fading to dark brown towards the root.

According to her experience with this man it was good to follow him then to just simply approach him. The crowd of morning was helping her to get unnoticed for following someone. There were two reasons she selected morning then a dark, silent night, when dangerous people roam the streets.

First, the crowd was providing a good cover. Second, she was scared what if just like he said he shot her without even thinking if she approached him during night. At least he won't pull his gun out when surrounded by lots of people.

She was now following him through alleyways, going deeper and deeper until she felt a tug and pain at her back when it collided to something hard. Her eyes closed reflexively. She opened her eyes to see the familiar brown emotionless eyes staring back at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you that stop following me. I'm nothing but danger." He groaned pushing her more against the wall, his eyes shooting draggers at her and burning with anger.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I just need a favour from you." She smirked and praising herself for the courage.

"Are you crazy?" He asked in disbelief.

"I'll explain if you stop acting like you will kill me everytime you see me." She retorted.

He looked at her trying to find anything off in her demoner, anything that can give him a reason to just pull the trigger at her and get rid of the girl making him sleepless.

"Please." She pleaded.

His hold soften on her when he noticed the helplessness in her voice. Not the helplessness he is used to see in his victim who don't know if they will live or die. But a pleading one.

He sighed, his hands leaving her shoulder as he pulled his hair back.

"You are going to regret it Jimin." He thought but nonetheless nodded his head.


Both of them were sitting infront of each other in an almost empty cafe, silently. Jimin took sip from the cup of coffee not moving his glare from her. Amora squirmed in her seat holding the warm cup of hot chocolate in her hand, her confidence evaporating in thin air with every passing minute.

"Are you going to tell anything or not?" Jimin said in monotone.

She quickly nodded her head telling him everything. About her step mother, her father, how they were forcefully getting her to marry someone. At end she was trying her best to hold the tears.

"And you want me to kidnap you?" She nodded.

"What if she finds you? You said that she has some good connections."

"Please. I'm sure she won't. I have seen on news how no-one had ever found a single evidence against you all. Please. Please just help me. I. I'll pay you whatever price you want." She pleaded.

He looked at her for awhile debating on what to do. Her reasons were genuine but he still thinks that her way of escaping from problem is not right. But there is no other way. He sighed, glancing outside the window.

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