A new normal

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"Maddie I need to talk to you, I need to explain" Tommy says demandingly. His dirty blonde hair is messy like he has ran his hands through it too many times like he always does when he is stressed.

"I don't think so" Grayson steps in front of me in a protective position.

"Don't you think you've already caused enough trouble?" Tommy fires his words coldly toward Grayson

"It wasn't me that crashed a car and left Mads for dead" Grayson retorts folding his arms across his chest

"I think you should leave. Nobody invited you" Hunter warns stepping online beside his twin.

"Like anyone needs invitations to come to your parties. I'll go but be careful Maddie these two aren't as innocent as you think" Tommy point out to me before beginning storming away.

He suddenly stops and turns back. "I need to talk to you and I won't stop until you hear me out"

Hunter and Dylan stand close in front of me so close I can feel  as their fury fires through their blood heating it like lava about to erupt.

"Be careful Maddie, don't fall for their tricks. We'll talk soon okay?! " Tommy chuckles as his derp blonde  hair bounces slightly at his action. I used to love running my fingers through his blonde locks but now I'd love nothing more than to rip every strand out with my bare hands and revel in his screams. His dark brown eyes that used to draw me in like a deep exotic chocolate seem empty and dull. I can't help but pity him.

"Over my dead body" Hunter scoffs as I step into the twins and hide behind their bodies feeling safer that way.

"So you finally caved and joined the fan club then Madison? I thought far better of you. As for your dead body Hunter, We have a match next Saturday, perhaps that can be arranged!" Tommy criticised me,  suggesting I'm part of that pathetic gang of groupies that would do anything to sleep with Hunter or Grayson before he  threatens Hunter making me gasp in fear at the thought of it. Hunter reaches back and touched my arm to reassure me easing my worries.

"Well Hunter, Grayson I know how you two operate so just remember whenever or however you fuck her. It was me there first. She's nothing but my sloppy seconds and between us she wasn't particularly satisfying anyway!" Tommy boasts proudly ensuring everyone could hear him loud of clearly in a bid to humiliate me to the higher degree. The pig!

It happened so quickly, Tommy was suddenly pinned to the ground covered in grass and dirt as blood was dripping from his face as Hunter and Grayson laid blow after blow upon him in a full on attack of rage. Dylan held his arm across my waist stopping me from trying to break things up as he knew full well I'd hate the idea of them fighting to protect me.

After what seemed like forever but was probably only a few minutes, some of the twins friends managed to drag them off of Tommy and he struggled to his feet a bloody mess and uttered a few insults my way before being escorted out of the house.

Grayson and Hunter's hands were cut and bloody although I think it was more Tommy's blood then theirs. They were breathing deeply trying to calm  themselves down again. They both stared at me as if they were waiting on my words. I didn't know what to say or what they wanted me to say.

It wasn't how I wanted my first night out since I got home to turn out. I didn't want anymore drama.

My legs were trembling and I felt like I could collapse in shock at any minute when I familiar floral scent filled my senses and a soft hand slipped into mine offering me love and support. Hunter and Grayson's  eyes flared in frustration at the arrival.

"Go get in the car Maddie. I'm taking you home" Miley ordered in her typical motherly fashion passing me her car keys. I took them and curled my fingers around them looking from them to the twins as if one option was the correct answer.

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