A liability

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I stirred as the door creaked open and through squinted eyes I saw Grayson's publicist Angela put a pile of clothes and my winter boots and coat on the dresser in the corner of the room.

I was about to say thanks but she was gone in a flash but in the hurry she left the door open slightly so I couldn't help but hear her and Grayson talking in hushed tones.

"Grayson how many times will you let that girl destroy you? Your career is the best it's ever been and here she is again. The girl who put your stepdad in prison for attempted rape. The girl who turned up on Theo bloody Millers arm last night for all the press to see" Angela scolded him with a list of my recent activities that she was clearly putting a negative spin on.

Fucking dumb publicist. She clearly unimpressed to see me again and after hearing the way she spoke about me I wasn't about to put her on my Christmas card list either.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to burst out there and tell her to fuck off but I knew Grayson would do it for me so I stayed silent, wrapped under the covers in his hotel bed.

I was prepared to keep my mouth shut but I couldn't help but carry on eavesdropping.

"I know Angela... I know but I saw her and I couldn't think straight" he sighed sounding...regretful. Oh my god this was just a game to him. Did he even mean a word he'd said to me last night?

Had he used me for old times sake and I was so happy to see him that I hadn't noticed it. This could not be happening. I felt sick to my stomach and my chest ached so much it hurt to breathe.

"She's a liability Grayson. I know you care about her but mark my words - she will ruin you" Angela warned, cold and candidly.

"Don't say that" Grayson chastised her not wanting to hear her words and my hopes rose slightly.

"You know there's rumours she's been dating him you know. People have seen them out all over New York the last few weeks" Angela dropped that bit of gossip with a drop of real malice knowing that would make him angry.

"What'd you mean? He is her boss" Grayson sounded half in disbelief and half hurt by that one.

Thanks a bunch Angela you stupid bitch.

"Let's take this conversation downstairs and grab some breakfast" she suggested and the suite door clicked closed which told me they'd done just that.

I paused in the bed paralysed for a few seconds until I was sure the coast was clear before I grabbed my clothes and began to get dressed hastily.

Then it hit me, I didn't know my way around the city and I couldn't exactly ring my gran to rescue me could I. She'd ask way too many questions and probably accuse me of being some dirty whore for staying out all night in the big apple.

After I racked my brains for a few minutes I realised the one person I knew here in New York that might possibly rescue me. I hit dial and held my phone to my hands with shaky hands pacing the bedroom as it rang out.

"Really Franklin?? " he didn't sound happy that I was ringing him and I couldn't blame him after I totally screwed up and bailed on him last night.

"I need your help. I need you to come get me please" I stated bluntly and that's when the tears fell and his harsh tone was replaced by a sigh full of worry.

"Where are you?" He asked quickly with sheer concern laced in his voice . I could hear him rushing around and doors slamming shut before there was the roar of a car engine.

"The Langham" I uttered as the total fuckup of my life hit me like a train wreck. How quickly I fell right back into old ways and In his arms despite him nothing really changing for him. Last night was a mistake. I was a mistake.

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