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"Dad, Tyler What are you doing here? What's going on?" I asked as my eyes darted between my eldest brother, my dad and gran who all look gravely concerned and seriously exhausted.

"Where the hell have you been Maddie?" Tyler roared not holding back or stopping to say hello before he unleashed his anger on me.

Charming, good to see you too bro.

"I've been with Theo, he's been showing me the sights"

"Maddie wanted to see the highlights of New York" Theo echoed my words with a charming smile.

"Yeh I can imagine" scoffs an oh to familiar voice from behind me in the living room that deep, rich tone laced with jealousy and venom towards Theo.

Oh shit.

I spin around and head into the living room as my dad and brother follow me closely. My gran almost jumps on Theo and ushers him into the kitchen for a 'catch up' .

The poor guy!

"Grayson, Hunter what the fu- ... why are you here? Is anyone actually going to tell me what's up?.. oh god is it mom?" I rambled on getting more confused by the second. I couldn't  help but notice the weird behaviour that the twins were displaying aswell as my family members.

My heart raced as I feared my mom was hurt or worse , my brain began to go into panic mode.

My chest tightened and my head pounded. It hurt to breathe and I struggled to get in air.

I was panicking big time!

"Oh crap... breathe Mads.. just breathe deep breathes that's it...... in and out...... in and out..... in and out.  Good girl" Grayson jumped to him feet and ignored the audience as he started to stroke my arms soothingly as he whispered calming words in my ear to ease my panic attack.

Eventually I calmed down and he knelt down in front of me and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"relax okay? .. your mom is fine." He assured me leading me by the hand to the spot on the sofa he had occupying minutes earlier.

"Rob escaped prison" Tyler announced through gritted teeth before I could ask what's up.

I swear my heart stopped for a second but Grayson squeezed my thigh and somehow the warmth of his touch gave me enough strength to remain calm.

"He has been sending us all letters. Me, Tyler, Grayson and well.... you too. I forced your gran to hide them from you. I didn't want you upset or afraid. We assumed they were just idle threats but now it seems we have a big problem on our hands" dad tried to explain without losing his shit and scaring the crap out of me.

But seeing him pacing back and forth was doing nothing but putting me on edge.

"What'd they say?" I uttered trying to make sense of this madness as my dads words sunk into my brain.

"I don't think you want to know that Maddie" Tyler warned shaking his head with a clenched jaw, that alone made me think it must be really bad for them to be so concerned.

"Tell me" I demanded trying to be strong.

I could not let that bastard ruin my life and hurt me again. Or hurt my loved ones for that matter.

"No" my dad and eldest brother snapped at the same time making it seem very final that they weren't planning on telling me a damn thing even when it's me being targeted.

"Hunter and Grayson are going to take you away and keep you safe until that maniac is caught either by the police or maybe me and your brothers-"

"No dad. You guys won't do a thing. I won't risk getting you in trouble. That's the only way I'll agree to this plan of yours if you swear to me?" I stood up and grabbed ahold of my dads shirt stopping his pacing to hug him tightly. I had to let him know that I'm was going to be just as stubborn as him in this matter.

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